Company: The 6 Qualities Of The Introverted Manager

For a long time, companies have favored extroverted, self-confident and brilliant meeting profiles for management positions. But the doctrine is changing because introverts also make good managers. If you doubt it, we suggest you discover the 6 qualities of the introverted manager.

1- He understands others well

Although extroverts may seem naturally gifted in human relations and at ease with everyone, their ease in public and their sometimes excessive enthusiasm are not necessarily the best assets to obtain results.

Long underestimated in business, introverts also have their place in management positions because they understand their collaborators well. Indeed, contrary to popular belief, introverts are not insensitive to others, quite the contrary!

The first of the 6 qualities of the introverted manager is to be sensitive, which is an advantage for better understanding the people they work with.

In general, introverts exhibit higher emotional intelligence, which allows them to engage in admittedly fewer but higher quality interactions.

2- He knows his team

Although introverts are not very comfortable in group interactions, they are very good at communicating with their co-workers in their own way.

They generally prefer to have short one-on-one conversations rather than large meetings where they don't feel comfortable. They spend less time with their entire team, but communicate regularly with each collaborator, which is a better fit for them.

Their way of communicating is different but no less effective, because the introverted manager takes the time to get to know each member of their team as an individual. This is their second quality.

3- He is more attentive

Of course, in the workplace, introverts often appear self-effacing: they don't monopolize the floor in meetings or raise their voice to get their ideas heard. They prefer to let others speak and listen carefully.

The third of the 6 qualities of the introverted manager is therefore his listening quality. Because he or she takes his or her team's proposals and ideas into account, the team is ultimately more dynamic and productive.

Contrary to what was once thought, in the days of extroverted managers, the best way to lead is not necessarily to constantly communicate with teams to galvanize them or tell them what to do.

On the contrary, the introvert trusts the autonomy of his collaborators and knows how to delegate.

4- He is modest and collaborative

Because he or she listens more and solicits more ideas and feedback from his or her team, the introverted manager is more likely to transform the group's best ideas into concrete actions.

This more modest and participatory method of management is becoming increasingly popular in companies.

The fourth of the 6 qualities of the introverted manager is to value teamwork, without seeking personal recognition or pulling the wool over one's eyes. This unassuming personality prefers to play the role of a conductor with discretion.

5- He weighs his words

Introverts speak less but they prepare what they have to say better. They think long and hard before speaking, which improves the relevance and impact of their speech.

Another of the 6 qualities of the introverted manager is not to disperse himself in unnecessary chatter. He speaks little, but when he finally speaks, everyone listens.

Since his words are well thought out and precise, his words are all the more valuable. This proves that it is not enough to be extroverted, a fierce negotiator, with a high voice and a dominant character, to be a good leader...

6- It inspires confidence

In the end, what makes a good manager is not the confidence that emanates from the person. A very serious study that followed the careers of 17,000 executives, including 2,000 bosses, for 10 years came to the conclusion that the most introverted people make the best bosses, provided, of course, that they manage to make it to the top of the organization chart!

The last of the 6 qualities of the introverted manager is his quiet strength, very different from the overflowing energy of extroverts.

As noted above, an introverted leader is generally more thoughtful and attentive. He or she knows how to step back, avoid hasty decisions, and doesn't speak out of turn. His quiet strength is reassuring to his teams.

To be noted: if you still think you are too shy to become a manager, know that companies need both profiles (introverts and extroverts) to function well. In fact, an introverted manager has a lot to gain from working with an extroverted sales manager because they will complement each other.

In large groups, recruiters are increasingly looking for a balance between these two profiles within the teams: associating extroverted and energetic personalities with more discreet temperaments is a winning recipe.