Almond Sacristans: A Very Easy Recipe

Do you like the sacristans found at the bakery? But did you know that it is possible to make them yourself with very common ingredients? I suggest you discover a very easy recipe to prepare almond sacristans.


Here are the ingredients needed to prepare almond sacristains for 4 people:

1 roll of pure butter puff pastry.
2 tablespoons of brown sugar.
1 packet of vanilla sugar.
1 whole egg.
1 bowl of flaked almonds.
icing sugar for decoration.

Note: Since puff pastry is the main ingredient in these sweet almond twists, I recommend buying the best quality pure butter pastry possible. Puff pastries containing palm oil are certainly cheaper, but they are less tasty and less healthy.

Preparation of puff pastry

Although almond sacristains are very tasty, their preparation requires few ingredients. To make these delicious sweet twists covered with sliced almonds, you just need to add a filling to a classic puff pastry.

1- Unroll the puff pastry while keeping the baking paper. Use a rolling pin to shape the dough into a rectangular form, which is more practical for cutting the sacristains.

2- Pour the fillings into different containers: the sliced almonds in one bowl, the beaten egg in another, and the sugar mixed with vanilla sugar in a third bowl.

3- Using a kitchen brush, spread the beaten egg over the entire surface of the puff pastry. This ingredient helps the other fillings adhere to the dough.

4- Sprinkle the flavored sugar over the entire surface of the dough.

5- Add sliced almonds to only half of the dough, as you will then fold the dough over itself to incorporate the almonds.

Incorporation of the trim

Once you have prepared the puff pastry by following the previous steps, you can incorporate the filling for your almond sacristans.

1- Fold the dough over itself as if you were preparing a turnover.

2- Use the rolling pin to flatten the entire dough and incorporate the almonds into the puff pastry.

3- Brush the surface of the dough again with beaten egg. Add another layer of brown sugar and sliced almonds.

4- Finally, run the rolling pin directly over the sliced almonds to ensure they adhere well to the puff pastry.

Cutting almond sacristans

Cutting is the easiest step in the sacristans recipe.

Simply cut your rectangle of puff pastry topped with sliced almonds into strips about 2 cm wide, using a sharp knife.

With a store-bought roll of puff pastry, you can make either 8 large almond sacristans or 16 smaller twists.

Preparation of twists

The next step is a bit more delicate as it involves twisting each strip of dough between your hands.

1- To give the almond sacristans their final shape, gently grab each strip of dough by its ends.

2- Twist the ends in two opposite directions so that the twist forms.

Note: you need to perform this action quickly so that the puff pastry does not warm up between your fingers. It is more difficult to make twists when the puff pastry warms up and becomes soft.

3- Place the twisted puff pastry strips one by one on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

4- Brush them one last time with the beaten egg so they are nicely golden and sprinkle with the remaining sliced almonds so the topping is generous.

Baking almond sacristains

1- Preheat your oven to 200°C.

2- Bake the almond sacristains for 15 to 20 minutes, keeping an eye on their color.

Finishing the sacristans with almonds

Once out of the oven, let the almond sacristains cool on the baking sheet.

All that's left is to add the finishing touch by dusting the puff pastry twists with powdered sugar.