Matcha Sponge Cake: An Easy Recipe

Matcha sponge cake is an excellent base for preparing a birthday cake with cream and fresh fruits, such as raspberries. However, this recipe, easier to make than one might think, also offers a deliciously soft snack with the good taste of green tea. We will explain the steps of the recipe with images.


Here are the ingredients needed to prepare a matcha sponge cake for 4 to 6 people:

100 g of soft butter at room temperature.
100 g of powdered sugar.
4 medium eggs.
100 g of flour.
2 teaspoons of baking powder.
2 teaspoons of matcha tea.
2 teaspoons of cornstarch or Maizena.
2 tablespoons of water.
2 pinches of salt.

Preparation of liquid ingredients

The preparation of the matcha sponge cake is easy and quite quick, provided you proceed methodically.

1- Separate the egg whites from the yolks.

2- Whisk the whites until stiff peaks form with a pinch of salt and set aside.

3- Beat the yolks with the sugar using a hand whisk or an electric mixer.

4- Add the softened butter and whisk again until it is perfectly incorporated as shown in the following photo. Set this mixture aside at room temperature.

Preparation of dry ingredients

To obtain a soft, homogeneous sponge cake free of lumps, it is important to sift the dry ingredients.

1- In a large bowl, mix all the dry ingredients, namely flour, cornstarch, baking powder, matcha tea, and a pinch of salt.

2- Mix all these ingredients using a small whisk to obtain a green powder that you will sift.

Preparation of the sponge cake batter

To prepare the dough, simply assemble the different ingredients that make up this matcha sponge cake:

1- Sift the dry ingredients over the bowl containing the mixture of egg yolks, sugar, and butter.

2- Gradually incorporate the sifted dry ingredients using a wooden spoon. It is normal for the dough to become thick.

3- To make it more pliable, add 1 to 2 tablespoons of water if needed.

Note: Be careful with the amount of water added because the dough should not be too liquid! Make sure not to work the dough for too long, as it will become too elastic.

Adding whisked egg whites

Finally, gently fold the beaten egg whites into the previous mixture using a flexible spatula.

Be sure to lift the mass to avoid breaking the egg whites. They are essential for giving the matcha sponge cake its airy texture. You can see the final texture of the batter in the following photo.

Baking the sponge cake

1- Preheat your oven to 180°C.

2- Pour the mixture into a small buttered cake pan.

Note: you can also spread it on a baking sheet if you want to make a rolled cake with this matcha sponge cake.

3- Bake the cake for 15 to 20 minutes, keeping an eye on the color. The sponge cake should turn a beautiful golden color, even though it retains the green color of the matcha tea inside.

Unmolding Tips

Wait for the cake to cool before removing it from the mold. Since the matcha sponge cake is delicate, this step can be tricky.

If the cake doesn't come out on the first try when you flip it onto a plate, run the blade of a knife around the edge. Flip it again and wait a few minutes: it should come out on its own, and you will just need to remove the mold.

Tasting Tips

You can enjoy this matcha sponge cake as is. It is delicious with a cup of green tea.

You can also soak it in syrup or fruit juice and use it as a base for a birthday cake or for verrines with fromage blanc and fresh fruit. Its delicate matcha flavor pairs well with many ingredients such as raspberries, cherries, or pineapple, but also with vanilla or coconut cream...

Note: If you plan to soak the sponge cake with sugar syrup or another sweet liquid, I recommend reducing the amount of sugar in the batter to 75 g.