Headaches: 5 Natural Remedies That Provide Relief

When a headache occurs, certain essential oils, infusions, or other methods can sometimes relieve the pain and avoid taking medication. Here are 5 natural remedies to try for relieving headaches.

1- Essential oils

The first tip to naturally relieve a headache is to use an essential oil roller. This natural remedy should be applied to the temples and forehead at the first signs of symptoms.

Among pain-relieving essential oils, peppermint essential oil or Mentha piperita is known for its effectiveness against headaches. Excellent for digestion, this essential oil also relieves nausea that accompanies some migraines.

To benefit from its properties, you can use roll-ons from brands like Florame or Puressentiel, applying them to the temples or massaging with a few drops of this essential oil diluted in a bit of sweet almond oil.

You can also prepare an inhalation by diluting 5 drops of peppermint essential oil in a bowl of hot water. With your head covered by a towel, inhale deeply for about ten minutes.

2- The plants that provide relief

Mint is not the only plant that can be used for inhalation in case of headaches. Rosemary can be used in the same way: simply boil a handful of rosemary in a liter of water and inhale the steam to relieve the pain.

In case of stress-induced migraines, a hot bath with a few drops of essential oils with relaxing properties, particularly lavender and basil essential oils, is recommended.

Another home remedy involves applying a cloth soaked in a mixture of cold water and a teaspoon of orange blossom water to the forehead.

Finally, for those who suffer from chronic migraines, feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is advised. This plant from the Asteraceae family contains an active ingredient that acts on the release of serotonin. A course of treatment (3 capsules or 3 cups of infusion per day) is necessary to prevent recurrences.

3- Acupuncture for Migraine

In addition to herbal medicine, other natural methods can help relieve headaches.

Among them, acupuncture could reduce the frequency of migraines, provided that a long-term treatment is followed, for at least 5 to 10 sessions.

Note: more broadly, all disciplines that relax and release muscle tension can help alleviate headaches, notably tai chi chuan, qi gong, and yoga. Sophrology, which combines relaxation and visualization techniques, has proven effective against tension headaches.

4- Osteopathy against blockages

Osteopathy can also prevent or relieve certain headaches, particularly pain of mechanical origin such as muscle contractures, torticollis, or cervical displacement.

An osteopath can eliminate a pain located in the skull in just 1 to 3 sessions by mobilizing and rebalancing your musculoskeletal structure.

5- A health check-up to determine the cause

Finally, the last solution that we don't always think of is to get a health check-up to find the exact cause of the headaches.

When a headache is recurrent, it is important to consult your doctor because this pain can be a sign of an underlying condition, such as high blood pressure or a dental problem, for example.