Are Uv Tanning Booths Carcinogenic?

Who has never dreamed of a tan complexion in winter as well as in summer? UV tanning booths are becoming increasingly popular among the French, but according to a very serious study, they cause more victims than tobacco.

Devastating artificial UV rays

Researchers published in the journal JAMA Dermatology the results of research conducted between 1992 and 2013. They combine 88 studies and gather more than 490,000 participants from 16 different countries.

These reveal the dangers of artificial UV rays, present in the famous tanning booths of beauty institutes and other specialized centers.

Each year, 450,000 skin cancers are caused by artificial tanning in booths. The figures are alarming and the conclusion is clear: non-natural UV rays are dangerous.

Smoking tends to decrease, while UV lamps and enthusiasts of this instant tanning increase. This is why the number of skin cancers related to artificial UV is higher compared to the number of lung cancers related to tobacco, all in the same geographical areas.

Europe: Champion of Artificial UV

Tanning beds attract 1 in 2 people in Europe and 1 in 3 people worldwide. As the years go by, they are becoming more prevalent everywhere. The clientele is very varied, including men, women, young and old; in some countries, the cult of appearance is vital.

This phenomenon of artificial ultraviolet radiation poses a major public health problem in developed countries.

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the increased risk of skin cancers is around 75% for those under 30 who use artificial UV at least once in their lifetime.

We must act, and quickly.

Despite the sun merchants' dismay, these studies conducted by the leading researchers are sounding the alarm: artificial tanning truly presents carcinogenic effects on consumers.

That is why they are calling on the public authorities to quickly take preventive and precautionary measures. Such as banning advertising, implementing fiscal measures, and prohibiting tanning booths for teenagers.