Expired Sunscreen: Can It Still Be Used?

It cannot be stressed enough: in summer, sun protection is essential to avoid sunburn and skin aging. When the warm weather arrives, it is tempting to reuse last year's sun products. But is it really a good idea? Here is what to do if you find expired sunscreen in your cupboards or beach bag.

1- How to tell if a sunscreen has expired?

Sunscreens have an expiration date just like all other cosmetic products. The period during which you can keep the product after opening is indicated by the symbol 6M (6 months) or 12M (12 months).

If this inscription has faded, you can recognize an expired sunscreen by its texture. The most visible signs of a cream that has passed its expiration date are:
• discoloration.
• an unpleasant odor.
• separation of components.
• a grainy texture.

If you notice any of these anomalies in the product, you must discard it without regret.

2- What are the risks of using expired sunscreen?

The use of expired sunscreen presents several risks for your skin. The first risk is the loss of product effectiveness. When the expiration date has passed, it is possible that the cream has oxidized upon contact with air and has lost a large part of its effectiveness.

If you apply it to your skin, you will be much less protected from the sun's UV rays, which can result in a sunburn in the short term and an increased risk of developing skin cancer in the long term.

The second risk concerns sunscreens that have not been stored in a dry and cool place. Poor storage conditions promote the development of germs and bacteria.

In this case, if you apply the product to your skin, you risk having an allergic reaction or experiencing irritations and pimples. That is why it is recommended to clean the cream tube well after each use and to store it away from light, heat, and humidity.

3- Can you use unopened expired sunscreen?

According to dermatologists, you should not use sunscreen that has been open for 12 months or more. After a year, the product's effectiveness against UV rays is uncertain and you risk getting sunburned and depleting your precious sun capital!

There is one case where you can use a product purchased the previous year: when the expired sunscreen has not been opened. If the bottle has not been used and the seal is still intact, the product can be used up to 3 years after its manufacturing date.

However, to remain effective, it must have been stored away from moisture, heat, and light. If you have any doubts, carefully check the smell, color, and texture of the cream before applying it to your skin.

4- Where to dispose of expired sunscreen?

Now that you are aware of the risks associated with using expired sun care products, you are probably wondering where to dispose of expired sunscreen.

Cosmetics containing a sun filter have a bad reputation for the planet… So, we find ourselves facing a dilemma or at least a puzzle when it comes to getting rid of this product. Should you empty the tube into the household waste bin before recycling it in the yellow packaging bin?

If the idea of throwing sunscreens in the trash doesn't appeal to you, for economic or ecological reasons, rest assured! You can use this product until the tube is empty, but not to protect yourself from the sun.

5- What to do with an opened sunscreen?

Expired sunscreen no longer provides sufficient protection from the sun's rays because its UV filter has a limited lifespan. For going to the beach and any other occasions where you are exposed to the sun, it is safer to buy new sunscreen.

However, you can give your expired sunscreens a second life by using them to shine the leather on your shoes and handbags! Simply put a small amount of the product on a clean cloth before polishing your leather accessories.

If you hate waste, note that you don't have to throw away your half-full tube of sunscreen at the end of the holidays. You can use it as a body moisturizer, diluting it with a few drops of apricot kernel oil if the texture seems too thick and difficult to apply. To make the product easier to absorb, you can also apply it on damp skin.