Sparse Eyebrows: Causes And Solutions

Do you feel like your eyebrows are getting thinner with age? It's not just an optical illusion but a reality! This gradual thinning is due to multiple factors. But it's not inevitable. We will explain the causes of this phenomenon and the solutions to remedy or conceal it.

Why do eyebrows thin with age?

Signs of aging on the face are not limited to wrinkles and fine lines. They also involve eyebrows becoming sparser over time!

If you feel like your eyebrows no longer have the same shape and density as before, you're right. They gradually thin with age, and this is a completely normal phenomenon. As we age, all the hair follicles in our body produce increasingly finer hairs.

But age is not the only factor to consider. In reality, the causes of this thinning are multiple:
• hormonal fluctuations related to menopause or a thyroid issue.
• excessive plucking over the years.
• regular use of sunscreen or moisturizer that can clog hair follicles.

Furthermore, significant hair loss can also be caused by medication treatment or a health issue such as hypothyroidism, alopecia, severe eczema, psoriasis, or a nutritional deficiency.

What to do in case of sparse eyebrows?

The shape of eyebrows plays an essential role in the harmony and expression of the face. That's why it's important to act quickly when they start to thin, generally from the age of forty and approaching menopause due to the decrease in estrogen.

It is normal for the decline of these hormones to impact the life cycle of hair and hair follicles. However, you can slow down this phenomenon and remedy the gradual loss of hair by using products that activate regrowth.

In particular, you will find peptide-based serums on the market specially formulated to stimulate eyebrow growth. On the other hand, avoid hormone-based products like prostaglandins as they can cause eyelid irritation and swelling.

If you're looking for a natural solution for sparse eyebrows, you can simply apply a drop of castor oil each evening and massage it into the eyebrow area. Regardless of the product used, note that you should also stop plucking this area and let your hair grow back.

Note: This natural tip using castor oil can also be used by people who have lost their eyebrows following chemotherapy treatment. The application of oil and gentle massage helps activate hair regrowth without the risk of irritating the skin.

How to camouflage sparse eyebrows?

While waiting for your hair to grow back, the best trick to camouflage sparse eyebrows is to adopt a specific makeup routine.

If you have no eyebrows at all, you can draw them using an eyebrow pencil of the same color as your hair by making small strokes and possibly completing with powder.

Semi-permanent tattooing can be another solution if you don't want to draw your eyebrows every morning. But be careful! Over time, the color of the ink changes, and many clients are not satisfied with the long-term result.

If your eyebrows are simply thin and you need to fill in gaps, the simplest way is to use an eyebrow pencil that matches your hair color. Draw strokes with a light hand for a more natural result.

To respect the natural line of your eyebrows, start by setting them in place by brushing them upwards with the small brush usually sold with this type of pencil. You can also apply a special gel that enhances the eyebrows by giving them volume and density.

Take the time to follow these steps carefully, and you'll be amazed by the result! This beauty routine is quicker than it seems. It will become automatic as you practice drawing or filling in your eyebrows' line. Your efforts will be rewarded with a more expressive and youthful look.