Stomach Cancer: Excess Salt Is A Risk Factor.

Among the risk factors for cancer, we generally do not think to moderate our salt intake. Yet, a study from the Vienna University of Medicine has just revealed a new harm of this condiment on health. Consumed in excess, it can increase the risk of developing stomach cancer. Here's the explanation.

What are the risks of a diet that is too high in salt?

You are surely already aware that excessive salt intake is bad for health, particularly because it increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Placing the salt shaker on the table and systematically adding salt to one's plate at the beginning of a meal is a bad habit because this seasoning raises blood pressure and therefore the risk of cardiovascular events such as stroke or heart attack...

A diet too high in salt is also associated with an increased risk of suffering from water retention and osteoporosis. That's why the World Health Organization recommends consuming no more than 5 grams of salt per day for an adult and 2 grams for a child. However, in France, the average consumption is 7.9 grams per day.

As if the list of the harms of this food wasn't long enough, a recent study conducted by the Vienna University of Medicine (MedUni Vienna) revealed that a high-salt diet increases the risk of developing stomach cancer by about 40%.

What is the connection between salt and stomach cancer?

To reach this conclusion, researchers from the University of Medicine in Vienna analyzed data from over 470,000 adults. Between 2006 and 2010, study participants responded to a questionnaire that included the question "How often do you add salt to your food?"

The researchers then compared the survey results with salt excretion in urine and data from national cancer registries.

It was found that excessive consumption of this seasoning or of cured meat is a risk factor for stomach cancer. The risk is increased by 39% compared to patients who rarely or never salt their food, even when taking into account other demographic, socio-economic, and lifestyle factors.

What is the frequency of stomach cancer?

Stomach cancer may not be the one that concerns the general public the most. Yet, with 9,000 new cases per year in France, it ranks as the fifth most common cancer.

It is also the fifth most prevalent cancer worldwide, following prostate cancer (4th), colorectal cancer (3rd), lung cancer (2nd), and breast cancer (1st).

What particularly worries doctors and researchers about stomach cancer is that it is increasing among those under 50 years old. Typically, age is a risk factor for cancer. The likelihood of developing a tumor increases with age.

However, recent statistics indicate a worrying increase in this cancer among adults under 50 years old. Therefore, it is worth mentioning that the risk factors for this cancer are: alcohol consumption, smoking, as well as overweight and obesity. To this list, we must now add excessive salt intakeā€¦