Appliances: How To Extend The Lifespan Of Your Devices?

Household appliances represent a significant cost for both the buyer and the planet. To save money and protect the environment, it is in your best interest to make them last as long as possible. We will explain how to extend the lifespan of your household appliances.

What is the lifespan of a household appliance?

According to a study by Gifam dated 2021, the average lifespan of a household appliance is 10 years.

This figure hides small disparities between different types of equipment. Thus, the lifespan of household appliances is as follows:
• 9 years for a kettle or a canister vacuum cleaner
• 10 years for a washing machine
• 11 years for a dishwasher
• 12 years for a refrigerator or a toaster
• 13 years for a freezer or an oven
• 14 years for a hairdryer!

Even though this duration of use may seem quite long to you, it is possible to extend it by adopting good maintenance practices. A well-maintained household appliance lasts longer and offers better performance.

How to extend the lifespan of household appliances?

According to ADEME's statistics, one out of two devices and 60% of large household appliances brought to the after-sales service do not require any spare parts but simply suffer from a lack of maintenance!

The main causes of breakdowns are limescale, clogged filters or pipes, and even the accumulation of crumbs in the appliance in the case of a toaster...

To extend the lifespan of your appliances and avoid most breakdowns, it would therefore be sufficient to properly maintain the devices by following the maintenance instructions provided in the manual.

What to do in case of a breakdown of a household appliance?

Despite the above maintenance gestures, an electrical appliance always ends up breaking down due to planned obsolescence...

When this happens, you can:
• consult the appliance manual, specifically the section on common breakdowns and how to repair them (at the end of the manual)

• contact customer service if your appliance is still under warranty

• diagnose the breakdown and find a place to get it repaired using the new website of the Ministry of Ecological Transition (see link below)

• search for an online tutorial on the same website or on YouTube

• visit a Repair Café to fix your appliance with the help of volunteer experts.