Notebooks From Elsewhere: A Magazine That Makes You Travel

Do you have a desire to escape but can't leave this summer? What if all it took was flipping through the pages of a magazine to take an immobile journey through drawings from around the corner or the other side of the world? This is the promise of the quarterly magazine Carnets d'ailleurs. I invite you to discover this new release that comic book lovers and fans of exotic destinations will adore.

Another vision of travel

With its subtitle "Drawn Journeys," the magazine Carnets d'ailleurs sets the tone. This quarterly magazine, launched in February 2024, has travel or rather the journeys of sketchbook artists as its main theme.

These specialists in travel sketchbooks share through their drawings landscapes sketched near home or at the ends of the earth. In this 172-page magazine, escape is at the tip of the pencil or rather at every corner of the page for the reader...

This magazine, created by drawing and travel enthusiasts, highlights a new form of exploration: slow life travel or slow travel! Far from mass tourism, the artists involved in this magazine have taken the time to slow down, observe, and fully immerse themselves in the local culture. Their testimonies translate openness to others into images and shed a unique light on the visited place.

Destinations to discover in every issue

In the first issue of Carnets d'ailleurs, co-founders Joël Alessandra and Jean-Paul Moulin offered readers a journey from France to Japan.

The inaugural issue of this quarterly magazine featured no fewer than 11 travel stories, including an initiatory stay in Japan and an extensive report in Saudi Arabia. Closer destinations were not forgotten, with three trips in Europe and three in France. Indeed, the creators of this magazine strive to find the right balance between distant destinations and local treasures.

In this unique travel magazine, the diversity of destinations mirrors the diversity of drawing styles. Each author transports the reader in their own way, through their sketches and words, and all these personal travel stories contribute to the richness of the magazine.

In these pages, illustrators are invited to transcribe their feelings in writing and share tips about their destination. The magazine also includes a cooking column, focusing on a chef and the flavors of their region, as well as a heritage section and a literary section. Enough to inspire readers to rediscover the world, near or far, with fresh and curious eyes!

A special summer issue on the shores of the world.

If you are looking for inspiration for authentic travels and meaningful experiences, you might find it in the pages of Carnets d'ailleurs. The second issue features Jacques de Loustal, the comic book author better known as Loustal, as the guest of honor. He graces the cover of the magazine with a stunning illustration of a Polynesian beach: a dream landscape perfectly fitting for this issue dedicated to shores!

Once again, this quarterly magazine promises to transport you to various destinations, from one shore to another:
• Loustal's drawings capture the beauty of Florida and the island of Porquerolles in the Var;
• those by Hilde Baele and Jeroen Janssen invite you to travel to Havana;
• Thierry Laval's colorful sketches convey the ambiance of Djibouti;
• illustrator Émilie Borel reveals the city of Lisbon where she resides…

All these drawings reflect the artist's personal experience and capture the essence of the visited places. They adopt an intimate and unique perspective that photos could not translate as well. Need it be said? Each drawing, started or completed on-site, offers authentic and sincere content, free from false advertising or artificial intelligence…

An artistic magazine to collect

In the magazine Carnets d'ailleurs, contributions from talented artists are showcased by exceptional production quality. This 20 x 27 cm magazine is a true work of art with its 172 pages in four-color printing, high-quality book finish, PEFC-certified paper, and printing in France.

It is both an aesthetic and durable item, meant to be kept and collected, hence its price. Each issue is sold at a unit price of €17.50. It is more advantageous to subscribe to an annual subscription (€66 for 4 issues).

To conclude, it should be noted that this magazine strives to reduce its carbon footprint by using PEFC-certified papers sourced in France. Printing is done in Vendée to limit the impact of transport while supporting the local industry.