France Rénov': A New Public Service To Renovate Your Home

Since January 1, 2022, a new public service has been launched by the Ministry of Ecological Transition. Its mission? To help French people who want to carry out energy renovation work in their homes. If this is your case, you will find advice, a summary of available aid and advisers to support you in your project. We invite you to discover this service called France Rénov' in 5 questions.

1- What exactly is it about?

France Rénov' is a new single public service that has been set up by the Ministry of Ecological Transition from January 1, 2022.

This novelty, planned as part of the Climate and resilience law, is a set of services designed to support people who want to carry out energy renovation work in their homes.

2- What is its objective?

As consumers are generally lost when faced with the multiplicity of grants and work proposals, the government wanted to modify its information and incentive system for energy renovation.

The new France Rénov' service aims to
- provide neutral, free and personalized advice to all French people who want to undertake energy renovation of their homes
- provide equal access to information for all users
- accompany users and guide them throughout their renovation project
- make energy renovation accessible to the most modest households.

3- What does it propose concretely?

To give everyone information and advice on energy renovation, this public service offers:
- a single website (link below): you will find all the useful information, as well as a simulation tool on available financial aid and a directory of RGE-qualified (Reconnu Garant de l'Environnement) craftsmen

- a national telephone number, 0 808 800 700, which allows you to contact France Rénov' advisors

- a network of more than 450 Espaces Conseil France Rénov' offices spread throughout the country.

To be noted: from 2022, this network merges the 300 Info Faire spaces managed by ADEME and the 150 Anah renovation points. These local structures should develop further in the coming months and offer free, personalized and independent help.

4- What's new?

Under the new France Rénov' service, households who want to renovate their homes will be able to be accompanied by a trusted contact, called Mon Accompagnateur Rénov'.

This single contact will have the role of simplifying the progress of the work thanks to a multidisciplinary follow-up throughout the project.

From the definition of the project to the acceptance of the work, it will ensure a technical, administrative, financial and even social monitoring if necessary.

Another new feature, the Advance Renovation Loan comes into force on 1 January 2022.

This mortgage loan, offered by Crédit Mutuel and Banque Postale, avoids having to finance the work. It allows the repayment to be postponed to specific future deadlines such as the sale of the property or the estate.

5- What aid is available for the most modest?

As of January 1, 2022, the Habiter Mieux Sérénité assistance becomes MaPrimeRénov' Sérénité.

This aid, granted in the case of comprehensive renovation, is intended for the most modest households and in priority for those living in thermal flats.

It offers:
- advantageous financing rates, which can be combined with specific bonuses and aid from local authorities
- individual support
- a guaranteed energy gain of at least 35
- the possibility of benefiting, from 1 July 2022, from the CEE per gesture bonus or the CEE Coup de pouce efficient renovation bonus.