Medical Certificate For Sports: In Which Cases Is It Mandatory?

From now on, to register for a sports club at the start of the school year, you no longer necessarily need to consult your doctor. Since the law of March 2, 2022, certificates attesting to the absence of contraindications to practicing a sport are no longer systematically required by clubs and federations. We offer you an overview of the current legislation and explain in which cases a medical certificate for sports remains mandatory.

What does French law say?

In France, the legislation concerning medical certificates of non-contraindication for sports practice has changed since March 2022. New provisions have been introduced by law no. 2022-296 of March 2, 2022.

To democratize sports practice and alleviate medical offices, this law stipulates that the medical certificate for sports will no longer be systematically required, neither for minors nor for adults.

The presentation of a medical certificate of non-contraindication (CACI) is no longer mandatory, except:
• if the federation requires it.
• if it involves sports disciplines with particular constraints.

What are the rules for adults?

For adults, sports federations decide if a medical certificate for sports is necessary for the issuance of a license or participation in a sports competition.

Thus, the certificate attesting the absence of contraindications is no longer required by the tennis federation, whereas other federations like those of equestrianism, basketball, judo, and football continue to require this type of medical certificate (valid for 3 years).

This decision is made after consultation with the medical commission of each federation. The commission must also determine the nature, frequency, and content of the medical examinations required for obtaining this certificate, depending on the sport discipline and types of participants.

During sports competitions organized by the federation, registration is subject to the presentation of a federation license or a certificate of absence of contraindications for non-licensed individuals.

What are the rules for minors?

For minors, it is no longer mandatory to provide a medical certificate for sports since the law of March 2, 2022. This certificate has been replaced by a health questionnaire to be completed.

In many disciplines such as tennis, climbing, squash, or skiing, for example, it is enough to answer no to all the questions to be able to register and practice.

A positive answer to at least one of the questions requires a medical consultation, after which a certificate of absence of contraindications can be issued and presented to the federation, the club, or the event organizer.

Other federations, such as athletics, have chosen to maintain the medical certificate for young people up to 16 years old. This certificate is valid for 3 seasons and its renewal is an opportunity to ensure regular medical follow-up of young athletes.

What are the disciplines with specific constraints?

In certain sports, considered by law as disciplines with particular constraints, it is always mandatory to provide a medical certificate for the sport, whether one is a minor or an adult.

The disciplines concerned are:
• scuba diving;
• motorized water sports (with a motorboat);
• sports with a motorized land vehicle, except karting and radio-controlled car modeling;
• mountaineering and caving;
• combat sports like boxing;
• all sports involving the use of firearms or air guns.

A medical certificate establishing the absence of contraindications to the practice of the discipline and dated less than a year ago is required for the issuance or renewal of the license as well as for participation in competitions.