Science: Why You Should Stop Drinking Bottled Water

Scientists are adamant: unless there is no access to drinking water, we must stop drinking bottled water. Although mineral water is still perceived by consumers as convenient and "better" than tap water, it is not without risks to our health and the planet's. We will give you three good reasons to give up bottled water and adopt alternative solutions.

1- A disastrous ecological impact

The first good reason to stop drinking bottled water is the enormous environmental impact of plastic bottles. The plastic bottle is a non-renewable and polluting product at every stage of its life cycle (production, use, and waste management).

The production of these bottles emits significant amounts of greenhouse gases, worsening climate change. According to figures from several environmental organizations, millions of tons of plastic are produced each year for bottling water, and a large portion of this plastic ends up in nature, oceans, and rivers, where it takes up to 1,000 years to decompose.

It is estimated that one million plastic water bottles are sold every minute worldwide. However, once the water is consumed, only 9% of them are recycled. These bottles account for 12% of all plastic waste on the planet and rank as the second most common pollutants in the oceans.

This pollution has a devastating effect on marine wildlife, which dies from ingesting plastic or after becoming entangled in debris. For all these reasons, reducing bottled water consumption helps preserve nature and the health of ecosystems.

2- Risks to human health

Contrary to what some consumers imagine, spring water and commercial mineral water are not better for health than tap water. The scandal over the quality of bottled water, which made headlines in the spring of 2024, revealed the presence of forever pollutants in spring waters and even in mineral waters.

The material of these bottles, mostly made from PET plastic (polyethylene terephthalate), also poses a problem. Although it is approved for food packaging, this material can release chemicals into the water under certain storage conditions.

Researchers at Weill Cornell Medicine in Qatar have estimated that between 10 and 78% of bottled waters contain contaminants directly from their plastic containers, such as microplastics, phthalates, or bisphenol A. These endocrine disruptors contaminate the water when the bottles are stored for long periods or exposed to heat.

This contamination by microplastics and bisphenol A (BPA) is another excellent reason to stop drinking bottled water. Although the amounts found in the water are generally low, research suggests that regular exposure to these substances can have long-term effects on health, particularly on the hormonal system.

3- A high financial cost

In countries where drinking water is easily accessible, bottled water is much more expensive than tap water. Therefore, you can make significant savings by not succumbing to the marketing and image of purity promoted by major bottled water brands... especially since it is often misleading!

In Europe and North America, you can safely drink tap water: it is not only perfectly drinkable but also closely monitored by health authorities.

If you cannot stand the taste of chlorine, a simple water filter can improve the taste quality of the water while eliminating lime residues and potential impurities. If the previous arguments have convinced you to stop drinking bottled water, here are several possible alternatives:

- Filter jugs to remove the taste of chlorine.
- Water filters installed directly on your tap.
- Reusable stainless steel or glass bottles to carry water everywhere with you, without needing disposable bottles.

By opting for a stainless steel or glass bottle and filling it with tap water, possibly filtered, you can reduce your exposure to potentially dangerous chemicals, limit your plastic waste and environmental impact, and save a tidy sum in the long run. Don't wait any longer to give up plastic bottles: the benefits are undeniable both for your health and that of the planet.