Inti Raymi: 5 Things To Know About The Festival Of The Sun In Peru

The Inti Raymi, which literally means the Festival of the Sun in the Quechua language, is one of the most important cultural festivals in Peru. This tradition is celebrated every year on June 24, a few kilometers from the city of Cusco. Here are 5 things to know about this unique opportunity to trace back to the origins of Inca culture.

1- This festival is dedicated to the Inca Sun god.

Inti Raymi is a Peruvian festival dedicated to Inti, the Inca Sun God. Originally, it was a religious ceremony organized on the occasion of the winter solstice in the Andean countries of the Southern Hemisphere. The ceremony served to honor the Sun God, guarantor of good harvests and the prosperity of the Incas.

Even today, the festival takes place on June 24th each year, to celebrate the rebirth of the Sun and the beginning of a new cycle. Indeed, this festival also marks the beginning of the Inca year.

On this occasion, the ancient capital of the Inca Empire, Cuzco, becomes the stage for a grand historical reenactment, with hundreds of participants in traditional costumes. This celebration of the winter solstice is one of the most colorful festivals in Peru.

Its origin dates back to the time of the Incas.

In the time of the Incas, the Inti Raymi festivities lasted 9 days and were celebrated with abundant dances and sacrifices. The main ceremony was held in Aucaypata Square, which is now the main square of Cuzco.

The winter solstice being the most important festival of the Inca Empire, the entire population was mobilized for the preparations. This festival marked the beginning of the year, as well as the mythical origin of the Inca.

The last Inti Raymi in the presence of the Inca emperor took place in 1412. This festival was then banned by Viceroy Francisco de Toledo in 1572 because it was considered a pagan ceremony contrary to the Catholic faith.

However, Peruvians continued to celebrate this date clandestinely. In 1944, a historical reenactment was organized at the initiative of Faustino Espinoza, based on the chronicles of Garcilaso de la Vega. Since then, the annual celebration of the winter solstice has once again become a public event in Cuzco and even one of the city's main tourist attractions.

3- Its unfolding perpetuates different facets of Inca culture.

More than just a local festival, Inti Raymi is a spectacular immersion into the culture and history of the Incas. Every year on June 24, the city of Cuzco vibrates with lively and authentic festivities.

Traditional dances play a central role in this event. The dancers adorn themselves with colorful costumes, decorated with ancestral symbols, and perform ritual movements with remarkable precision. Each dance tells a story, connected to foundational myths, historical events, or the daily life of the Incas.

The music that accompanies this celebration also perpetuates traditions and melodies passed down from generation to generation. Typical instruments include the quena (an Andean flute), the charango (a small string instrument), and the pututu (a conch shell trumpet).

The costumes, rich in details and symbols, are faithful reproductions of traditional Inca clothing. They are often adorned with feathers, embroidery, and jewelry, showcasing the refinement of Inca craftsmanship. Beyond the beauty of these garments, it is important to know that each costume reflects the social class, religious role, or military function of the participants.

Beyond the dances, music, and costumes, the Festival of the Sun allows for the celebration of Inca culture through reenactments of ancient rituals. Offerings are made to Inti, the Sun god, to ensure a year of fertility and prosperity. These ceremonies, interspersed with prayers, songs, and symbolic sacrifices, express the Incas' respect for their deities and nature. They are also a unique opportunity to discover the cultural richness of Peru.

4- This celebration is marked by several highlights.

If you have the opportunity to visit Peru around June 24th, don't miss going to Cuzco to attend Inti Raymi! This festive day, marked by several highlights, is an unforgettable experience.

The opening ceremony takes place at the Qorikancha temple, formerly known as the Temple of the Sun. An actor, portraying the Inca emperor, offers prayers to Inti and invokes the blessings of the Sun god for a prosperous year. The ceremony is accompanied by offerings of coca leaves, flowers, and other symbolic elements.

After the opening ceremony, a spectacular parade forms and moves from Qorikancha to the Plaza de Armas, the heart of Cusco. This procession, vibrant with colors and music, is one of the most anticipated moments of the Festival of the Sun. Hundreds of participants, dressed in traditional costumes, offer an impressive show to the sound of drums, flutes, and traditional songs.

The highlight of the day takes place at the fortress of Saqsaywaman on the heights of Cuzco. With its immense stone blocks, this archaeological site provides a spectacular setting for this ceremony. Visitors can then witness ancestral rituals while enjoying a breathtaking view of the city.

5- This festival is a must-see tourist attraction.

You have understood, the Inti Raymi is much more than a simple historical reenactment. It is a tradition dear to the hearts of Peruvians and a unique opportunity to discover their culture. Visitors from all over the world are welcomed in a spirit of joy and respect for traditions.

For the inhabitants of Cuzco, this festival is an opportunity to affirm their cultural identity. It thus generates enthusiasm and massive participation from thousands of people. For visitors, it is a breathtaking spectacle, with an abundance of color, music, and dances.

If you plan to visit Peru for the occasion, prepare yourself for an intense visual and emotional experience. Although it is no longer exactly as it was before, the Festival of the Sun maintains the link between the past and the present. Thousands of tourists come every year from around the world to attend this event and take advantage of this unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the history and culture of Peru!