Going skiing with friends: 5 ski resorts in France

Travel and Tourism

French mountain ranges offer ski resorts for all tastes, whether you're a skiing expert or a beginner! For those planning a ski trip with friends, here are 5 must-try ski resorts in France.


Sweet Potato Cake: A Vegan Cake Recipe

Gastronomy and Food

In vegan pastry making, ingredients such as eggs and butter are replaced with alternatives from fruits and vegetables. Sweet potato, being both starchy and sweet, is an excellent choice for adding texture to an egg-free cake. Here is an easy recipe for a vegan sweet potato cake, prepared in the style of an American sweet potato bread.


The Fallas of Valencia in Spain: a large popular festival

Travel and Tourism

The Fallas of Valencia are one of the biggest popular festivals in Spain. These festivities are held in honor of Saint Joseph and reach their climax between March 15 and 19, the day of Saint Joseph. Here is everything you need to know about the Fallas of Valencia in 5 questions.


Decoration, Furniture, and Bedding: 5 Tips for a Healthy Bedroom

Home and Garden

Did you know that you spend a third of your life in your bedroom? Therefore, it's very important to arrange this room in your home so that it promotes sleep and health. Here are 5 tips for creating a healthy bedroom.


Korean Cuisine: 5 Things to Know About K-Food

Gastronomy and Food

For the past two decades, Korean culture has been sweeping across the globe and into our dishes. Gastronomy is one of the most fascinating aspects of this country because South Korea has developed a cuisine that is both healthy and creative. Here are 5 things to know about Korean cuisine.


Second-hand clothes: 5 tips for successful thrift shopping

Trade and Society

As the fashion industry is the second most polluting in the world after the oil industry, many customers are abandoning fast fashion and turning to second-hand clothing. Thrift stores house treasures for those who know how to find them. To help you in your quest for the perfect item, here are 5 tips for shopping successfully at thrift stores.


Insomnia: Melatonin is not a miracle cure

Health and Beauty

More and more French people are taking dietary supplements containing melatonin to improve sleep or counteract the adverse effects of jet lag. Manufacturers tout it as a miracle cure for insomnia. However, in reality, this hormone that regulates biological rhythms is not a panacea, and its consumption is not without health risks.


Once upon a time... these funny objects: a new cartoon on France 4.

News and Media

Starting February 19, France 4 is airing a new fun and educational series titled Once Upon a Time... These Funny Objects. This animated series, which is part of the famous intergenerational saga "Once Upon a Time…", allows viewers to discover the fascinating history of everyday objects.


The Rice Paper Plant: 5 Things to Know About Tetrapanax papyrifera

Home and Garden

The Tetrapanax papyrifera is a spectacular tropical plant. With its graphic and exuberant foliage, it is unrivaled in adding an exotic touch to a garden. Here are 5 things to know about this original species, also known as the rice paper plant.


Cashew Chicken: A Chinese Recipe

Gastronomy and Food

Cashew chicken, served in Asian restaurants, is an exotic dish that's quite easy to prepare. We invite you to discover this Chinese-inspired recipe, which will add an exotic touch to your menus.

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