Art and Culture

The Odyssey: summary and mythological episodes

Art and Culture

A major work of world literature, the Odyssey is a vast epic poem composed by the Greek poet Homer around the middle of the 8th century BC. This epic, which recounts the return of Ulysses to Ithaca, is, along with the Iliad, one of the founding poems of European civilization.


The Statue of Liberty: the emblem of New York

Art and Culture

The Statue of Liberty, which has marked the entrance to New York Harbor since 1886, is not only one of the city's most famous monuments but also a national emblem of the United States. Here is the history and characteristics of this colossal statue which was offered by France as a token of Franco-American friendship.


Christ the Redeemer: the symbol of Rio de Janeiro

Art and Culture

The statue of Christ the Redeemer, perched 710 metres above sea level on Mount Corcovado, dominates the city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. This iconic landmark is the only one of the New Seven Wonders of the World to have been built in the 20th century.


The Colosseum: an emblematic monument of Rome

Art and Culture

The Colosseum is the city's landmark and stands at the end of the ancient Roman Forum. This impressive building, which is a must-see during any stay in Rome, is the most visited monument in Italy.


The commedia dell'arte: origins and characters

Art and Culture

Popular theatre that appeared in Italy in the 16th century, commedia dell'arte has left us a picturesque gallery of characters. From Pierrot to Colombine, not forgetting Harlequin, these comedy characters can be found today in the Carnival corsos.


The myth of Orpheus: presentation and interpretations

Art and Culture

The myth of Orpheus, as told by Ovid in his Metamorphoses, has inspired many artists and has been the subject of many interpretations. Here is a presentation of this legendary hero who embodies the power of song and poetry.


The Taj Mahal: one of the new seven wonders of the world

Art and Culture

The Taj Mahal, the jewel of Muslim art in India, is an architectural masterpiece belonging to the heritage of humanity. This immense white marble funeral mausoleum was built on the orders of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favourite wife.


The Eiffel Tower: presentation and history

Art and Culture

The Eiffel Tower is an emblematic monument of Paris, built by Gustave Eiffel for the Universal Exhibition of 1889. Today, it is the most visited paying monument in the world, with 6.893 million visitors in 2007. We invite you to discover some of the secrets of the 'Iron Lady'.


The process of creating a film: stages and participants

Art and Culture

The process of creating a film starts with an original idea and includes the stages of writing, shooting and editing until the work is presented to the public. The production chain of a film is long and often complex. It involves the collaboration of many technicians and artists.


Gothic architecture: presentation and characteristics

Art and Culture

Gothic art, which appeared in Ile-de-France in the 12th century, mainly concerns the architecture of religious buildings. It is represented throughout France by cathedrals whose finesse and elegance make us forget their impressive dimensions. We propose to discover the characteristics of the gothic architecture and some of the most remarkable buildings in this style.

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