A language derived from Latin, Catalan is spoken by nearly 10 million people in Europe. We invite you to discover the history and geographical spread of this language.
If your doctor has prescribed a work stoppage, you may receive daily allowances after a waiting period of 3 days, whether you are an employee, seasonal worker, or unemployed. We will explain how these allowances work in 5 questions.
Throughout life, but especially during schooling and higher education, it is necessary to retain new information and acquire new skills. This learning process, which requires time and personal investment, can be facilitated through certain techniques. We will reveal 5 scientifically validated tips to help you learn and memorize your courses better.
If you have bad memories of your school days due to grades and red pen annotations on your papers, know that a revolution is underway in some schools. Teachers have indeed decided to complement the traditional grading system with voice notes, accessible to students via a QR code. Explanations.
Two years after its last edition, which broke a donation record, ZEvent will once again raise funds for various associations. Here are 5 things to know about this online charity marathon, which brings together streamers and internet users around worthy causes.
Forming an orchestra with students who have never played an instrument is the principle of orchestra classes. In addition to musical education, this type of educational project, developed by the association Orchestre à l'école, helps improve students' academic performance and behavior.
It is often thought that a person's power of persuasion and influence over others is an innate quality. In reality, this ability to radiate and gain the support of a group can be learned at any age. Here is how to develop your charisma in 5 questions.
Every year, Citizen's Day provides an opportunity to carry out community or cultural projects throughout France. For one day, residents of a municipality or neighborhood come together to jointly accomplish projects they have proposed themselves. Here's an explanation.
Public holidays, which correspond to official feast days, are sometimes subject to special provisions in collective bargaining agreements. Here's an overview of the regulations and payment methods for these particular days in 5 questions.
Are you struggling to complete all your tasks at work and meet the given deadlines? A project management method from Japan can help you become more efficient. We invite you to discover the kanban method in 5 questions.