acne articles Tag

Acne and sun: beware of the rebound effect!

1- Use sun protection If you have acne, you've probably noticed that your skin looks better in the summer, but the pimples come back even more in the fall. Since this rebound effect is related to sun exposure, the first of 5 tips for avoiding this problem in the fall is to protect your acne-pron ...


Thalassotherapy: 5 benefits of seawater for the skin

it purifies the skin and promotes the healing of small wounds, cuts, and imperfections on the superficial layers of the epidermis. 4- She helps to treat acne. Thanks to its antiseptic and regenerative properties, this saline solution is also a remedy for acne. It helps fight the bacteria responsibl ...


Health: 5 signs that you are eating too much sugar

ucts full of hidden sugars and increase your fiber intake (because it feeds the good bacteria of the gut microbiota). 5- You have wrinkles and/or acne If you have acne when you're over 50, you may need to look to your plate for the cause. Poor skin health with deep wrinkles and/or severe acne ma ...


Health: Understanding Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS in 6 questions

n as hyperandrogenism or excess testosterone. This hormonal imbalance results in different symptoms that usually appear during adolescence: - acne - Irregular menstrual cycles, with spaced out periods or no periods at all - male hair growth or hirsutism, such as moustache and hair ...


Health problems: are you entitled to chocolate?

500 calories per 100 g, unlike other sources of magnesium such as Hepar water for example. To be noted: if your state of stress causes you to have acne attacks or digestive problems, don't be too quick to blame the chocolate! Many studies have shown that there is no correlation between acne and c ...


Face, nails and hair: what beauty routine for fall?

Beauty routine for the face As we explained in a previous article, the beginning of the school year is a delicate period for the skin with a risk of acne rebound following exposure to the sun's UV rays during the vacations... In order for your epidermis to naturally regain its balance, it is bes ...


Phytotherapy: 5 virtues of noble laurel.

ge of its antifungal properties in case of fungal infections or athlete's foot and its antibacterial properties against various skin problems such as acne, whitlow and pimples. Did you know? Aleppo soap, often recommended for skin problems, owes its purifying properties to the bay laurel oil that i ...


Bakuchiol: 5 things to know about this anti-ageing active ingredient

redient helps to fight redness and blemishes. Its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties help limit pimple outbreaks and improve the quality of acne-prone skin. This active ingredient would even reduce acne scars. This anti-aging agent is therefore very suitable for oily or combination skin ...


Hemp in cosmetics: a new trendy ingredient

be used as a dry oil for massages. Since it also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it can help treat skin problems such as eczema, acne, psoriasis as well as rosacea and other redness. A growing choice of products A little-known or confidential ingredient until recently, hemp ...


Menopause: 5 tips to keep your skin beautiful

3- Apply localized treatments if needed Because menopause disrupts the body's hormonal balance, this phase may be accompanied by the appearance of acne pimples. In this case, a local treatment is usually enough to solve the problem. Do not hesitate to consult a dermatologist! This specialist w ...


Natural Beauty: 3 flowers good for the complexion

sential oil is a valuable ally for combination and blemished skin. For example, it is possible to use it pure to dry out a pimple when suffering from acne. Do not be afraid to apply this essential oil to your skin, it is not irritating. On the contrary! It can even be used to soothe the burn of a s ...


Hair: the benefits of castor oil in 5 questions

is also responsible for its benefits for the skin and hair as it stimulates microcirculation and helps treat skin problems such as fungal infections, acne, and itching. This vegetable oil, extracted from a tropical shrub called castor bean, Christ's palm or Ricinus communis, also contains other ben ...


Centella asiatica: a plant with exceptional anti-aging properties.

the 1940s. More generally, this soothing and healing plant is very beneficial for the skin. It calms various skin inflammations, whether it's a burn, juvenile acne, or another skin problem like psoriasis or eczema. Finally, thanks to its action on microcirculation, this plant helps reduce dark cir ...


Kojic acid: miracle cosmetic active or risky ingredient?

the skin? Kojic acid has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, which are beneficial for combating the bacteria responsible for acne and fungi that cause certain skin diseases. In skincare products, it is primarily used as a brightening agent to reduce pigmentation spots such ...
