g Wintergreen are among the most effective pain-relieving plants. They are used in the form of essential oil and have the same analgesic effectiveness as aspirin! Wintergreen is one of the 5 medicinal plants beneficial to athletes because it calms pain and reduces inflammation in muscles and joints ...
ques or sophrology. - applying a cold pack to the head. The Medications commonly prescribed are acetaminophen, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, which can be combined with metoclopramide to reduce nausea. Note: Painkillers should only be taken during an attack and never daily, otherwi ...
e difficult aftermath by treating individual symptoms on a case-by-case basis. To relieve headaches, it is recommended to take paracetamol and not aspirin, which aggravates gastritis. You can combine it with Vitamin c which will help you fight fatigue. To purge the body of the excesses of t ...
his condition causes high fever and a dangerous self-maintaining temperature phenomenon, such that the fever is resistant to usual treatments (such as aspirin and paracetamol). It also leads to dehydration related to both the sun and the fever. Preventing sunstroke Sunstroke can occur very quickl ...
p the body fight the infection. It is enough to stay in bed, drink plenty, and take decongestant medications to clear the nose, as well as Ibuprofen, aspirin, or paracetamol to treat fever. Vitamin C can also help combat the infection. However, for the elderly and those with chronic illnesses, the ...
ding: - pregnant and nursing women - children under the age of 12 - People who are allergic to birch and salicylate derivatives (i.e., aspirin and its derivatives) - people with kidney disease - people who are undergoing treatment whose effects may be affected by an increase ...