astronomy articles Tag

The pioneers of astronomy: an exhibition at the Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur

ch 8, invites the public to rediscover the work and biographies of 19 women who have played a major role in the development of our current knowledge in astronomy. These women were involved in important discoveries in the history of the discipline, but it was often the men they worked with who rea ...


The Night of the Stars: a weekend to observe the sky.

When is the Night of Stars? The Night of the Stars is a free astronomy event open to everyone. This public event now lasts for three nights, so it is also referred to as Nights of the Stars in plural! This great astronomy celebration is organized every summer in August by national associations suc ...


James Webb Telescope: 5 things to know about this space telescope

side our solar system, black holes, and a galaxy 13 billion years old. It is thus rightly that NASA called Hubble 'the most significant advance in astronomy since the invention of the telescope by Galileo'. If all goes according to plan, James Webb (named after a former NASA executive) will ta ...


The Perseids: a meteor shower

What are the Perseids? Among the different astronomical phenomena that can be admired in the summer sky, one of the most famous is the Perseid meteor shower. The Perseids are shooting stars visible from Earth. Each of these luminous phenomena accompanies the entry of an extraterrestrial body or me ...


Astronomy: 5 things to know about pulsars

1- A pulsar is a strange star Among celestial objects, the pulsar is perhaps the strangest form of star. Pulsars belong to the family of neutron stars, the remnants of the gravitational collapse of a massive star at the end of its life, when it explodes into a supernova. They are very dense s ...


The Plateau de Beille: the first Nordic site in the Pyrenees

tage of the GR10 trail that crosses the Pyrenees from east to west. In summer, the Nordic village Angaka organizes bivouacs under a teepee or a yurt, astronomy evenings as well as a wide range of hikes, on foot, on horseback or even in cani-rando harnessed to a dog! It must be said that the plate ...
