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Mini spider pizzas: an easy recipe for Halloween

r black olives are not pitted, pit them. Assembly To make these mini spider pizzas, I used a round cookie cutter about 10 cm in diameter. This attachment allowed me to cut 5 individual pizzas from the rectangular dough and make another small pizza from the scraps. 1- Unroll the pizza dough ...


Bordeaux : 5 ideas for unusual visits

e of Bègles, in the southern suburbs of Bordeaux, behind the Rives d'Arcins shopping center. True witnesses of the past, these picturesque sheds prove the attachment of the Girondins to their river and to their history. The port of Bègles is the ideal starting point for this walk which lasts ...


Dressing room: 5 tips to make room in your closet

small or too big that we keep in case our weight changes... Tidying up papess Marie Kondo is very clear on this point: even if you have a special attachment to certain clothes you wore when you were younger and have kept 'just in case', they are not useful to you. So another of the 5 tips for ...


Sjómannadagurinn: Fishermen's Day in Iceland

pend the day with their families. For tourists in the country at this time of year, these festivities are an opportunity to appreciate the Icelanders' attachment to the sea and the importance of maritime activities (fishing and nautical leisure) in Icelandic culture. When is Fishermen's Day held in ...


The half-and-half pizza: discovering this Marseilles specialty in 5 questions

nch of salt, and enough olive oil to achieve a creamy consistency. 5- What other pizza can be discovered in Marseille? Even though the people of Marseille have a special attachment to their half-and-half pizza topped with local ingredients, it is not the only original pizza recipe you can enjoy in t ...


Brocéliande: 5 things to know about the series with Nolwenn Leroy

1- TF1 offers Nolwenn Leroy her first role in a TV series. Whether or not you are a fan of the singer Nolwenn Leroy, you probably know about her attachment to her native region, as she has often highlighted songs from the traditional Breton repertoire. So it is not surprising that the channel TF1 ...
