autonomous articles Tag

La Grande Motte: 5 things to know about this seaside resort in Hérault

is stretch of coastline. October 1, 1974 is a key date in the history of La Grande Motte. It is the day when this emerging city acquired the status of an autonomous municipality, thus separating from Mauguio-Carnon. The year 2024 therefore marks a double commemoration for this city in Hérault: the ...


The Youth Commitment Contract in 5 questions

scheme is accompanied by a mobile application that facilitates exchanges between the young person and his or her referent and allows him or her to be more autonomous. This application includes a personalized space, a messaging space with the referent counselor, a shared agenda, access to the com ...


JNAI: 5 things to know about illiteracy in France

lliterate people encounter many difficulties on a daily basis, including in the world of work. This invisible handicap prevents the person from being autonomous in everyday situations and exposes them to a risk of social exclusion. The fact of not mastering reading and writing constitutes a major ...


What are the risks of a passionate job?

oints. This is usually the only aspect that you see when you dream of turning a passion into a profession. Being able to use one's skills and feel autonomous and in one's place contributes to the well-being of the worker, whether self-employed or employed. Doing something you enjoy also allows yo ...


The secrets of active holidays on the French coast

, while open waters promise greater challenges for those looking to test their skills. A variety of places to explore For those who aspire to a more autonomous exploration of the magnificent French coasts, renting a boat without a license offers an exceptional opportunity. This option allows vacat ...


Drip irrigation: how does it work?

p to two weeks. During this time, your houseplants will be continuously hydrated, allowing you to enjoy your vacation with peace of mind. Note: This autonomous irrigation system will be even more effective if you gather your houseplants in a shaded area of your home and mulch the soil to retain moi ...
