beauty product articles Tag

Allergens in cosmetics in 5 questions

r small pimples after applying a new cream to your skin, it is not necessarily an allergy but perhaps a simple irritation. Typically, allergy to a beauty product does not occur when the product is first applied, but rather after a sensitization phase. Your immune system eventually goes into overd ...


Cosmetic allergy to the face or eyes: what to do?

What are the symptoms of allergy? After applying a beauty product to the skin or eyelids, one may experience a cosmetic allergy. On the skin, this allergy usually manifests as hives, with symptoms similar to those of a nettle burn: - a burning or itching sensation - The appearance of r ...


Beauty: how are cosmetics tested?

als used. Should I choose products labelled "not tested on animals"? If you sometimes see the words 'not tested on animals' on the packaging of a beauty product, don't be fooled! This does not mean that other brands test on animals... It is simply a bogus marketing argument, which provides ...


Khôl: an exhibition at the Musée International de la Parfumerie in Grasse

e and the different continents by devoting its new temporary exhibition to the history of this beauty secret from the East. An ancient and mysterious beauty product If the history of kohl is so fascinating, it is first of all because it goes back to the highest antiquity. This product was ind ...


Waterless Cosmetics: More Eco-Friendly Products

What is waterless cosmetics? In traditional beauty products, water usually appears at the top of the ingredient list. Just check the composition of your shampoo and conditioner as well as your face cream or body lotion to see that the word Aqua (water in Latin) often appears first among the ingredi ...


Perfume and Sun: Understanding Everything in 5 Questions

Why should you not wear perfume in the sun? You may have heard that you should not apply perfume to your skin before going out in the sun. This statement is not a myth or a mere misconception. Indeed, perfumes can interact with the sun's ultraviolet rays. Due to certain plants or essential oils the ...


Zero waste: 5 tips for recycling soap scraps

dy exfoliating scrub with the scraps of your solid soaps! This is another of the 5 tips to know for recycling soap remnants. To make this zero-waste beauty product, you simply need soap pieces and sugar: • Grate the soap pieces into fine shavings as in the previous recipe. • Mix the sha ...
