bladder articles Tag

Urgent Need to Urinate: Overactive Bladder in 5 Questions

What is overactive bladder syndrome? The overactive bladder syndrome, which should not be confused with urinary incontinence, refers to a reduced control of the bladder in the absence of other pathologies such as a urinary tract infection. This problem, common in both men and women, is characteriz ...


Health: how to use the toilet properly?

deed, when you keep putting off going to the bathroom : - You disrupt the urine evacuation mechanism (which is normally triggered as soon as the bladder contains between 200 and 300 ml of liquid) - we promote pollakiuria or the need to pee every 5 minutes - one increases the risk of e ...


Swollen prostate: what should you eat and drink?

ith a swollen prostate, one of the most troublesome symptoms is difficulty urinating. This is because when this gland is too large, it presses on the bladder and can prevent the normal release of urine. Not only is the stream of urine weak and jerky, but it becomes difficult to completely empty t ...


What are the best plants for the prostate?

s that affect the quality of life of patients. Indeed, beyond a certain volume, it compresses the urethra and impedes the complete emptying of the bladder. The use of phytotherapy is then interesting to relieve these annoying urinary disorders on a daily basis. Fortunately, having an adenoma d ...


Health: in summer, be careful with wet swimsuits!

roughout the day, not hold back from using the restroom when needed, and also make it a habit to urinate after every sexual intercourse and fully empty the bladder. Regarding intimate hygiene, it is advised not to wash too frequently or use harsh products. One intimate wash per day is sufficient, u ...


Endometriosis: 7 Things to Know About This Little-Known Disease

n other organs. This anomaly (also called "ectopic localization") can affect different organs: the vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, digestive tract, bladder, or rectum. These cells, which have the same characteristics as those of the uterine lining or endometrium, proliferate under the influence o ...
