y vary, remember that you should take about 1.5 g of horse-tail powder per day for 15 days if you want to make a cure. 2- Aspic lavender for treating blisters. The lavender spica or Lavandula spica is a variety of lavender from which an essential oil with multiple benefits is extracted. Not only is ...
ves, with symptoms similar to those of a nettle burn: - a burning or itching sensation - The appearance of redness sometimes accompanied by blisters (small blisters). When the allergen is found in an eye makeup product such as mascara, it can cause the eyelids to swell and lead to conju ...
mall injuries. To help you not forget anything, here is a list of things that might come in handy during your hike: - bandages and patches for blisters - Sunscreen - disinfectant - insect bite cream - a mosquito repellent To be noted: if you are on long-term medical tr ...
n extra sweater and a K-Way even if the weather seems mild. Take bandaids and antiseptic with you so that you can take care of any small boo-boos and blisters on your feet. When going with children, you need to be even more prepared so that the family walk doesn't turn into a nightmare in case of ...
op hives. The allergens in cosmetics usually cause pimples similar to nettle stings or eczema. These are not ordinary pimples but rather small red blisters that ooze. 2- How to identify the allergenic substance? It is not easy to identify the substance causing the allergy because there are ma ...
embed in the skin and sometimes in the eyes, nose, or mouth. They release a toxin whose effects are similar to nettle stings, with the appearance of red blisters or red patches on the skin. When these hairs reach the eyes, they cause pain, tearing, redness, and swelling of the eyelids. In the most ...
"mini-kit" version in your sports bag or hiking backpack. Note Well The word "bobologie" refers to minor injuries without severity, such as scratches, blisters, bruises... It does not downplay the pain one might feel but emphasizes that they can be easily treated at home without necessarily seeing ...