blood circulation articles Tag

Health: 5 Tips to Combat Cold Feet

ze: when buying shoes, you must also ensure your feet are not cramped. Choose a model that allows your toes to move freely and avoid layering tights and socks! Blood circulation in your toes, ankles, and calves must be optimal to warm your feet all the way to the tips. 3- Add insulating insoles. As ...


Unusual: 3 small animals that heal

1- Leeches for blood circulation As bizarre and disgusting as it sounds, about half of SOS hands and academic plastic surgery centers use leeches to optimize graft take. These funny little beasts are very effective in facilitating blood flow after reimplantation of an amputated finger or vascula ...


Barefooting: walking barefoot for more well-being

fect our overall posture and reflexes (called proprioception). Conversely, walking barefoot provides a kind of beneficial self-massage to activate blood circulation and stimulate reflex zones as in foot reflexology. It's good for your overall health Even if it is less and less practiced in ou ...


Venous insufficiency: 6 tips to keep your legs light

re avoid prolonged static positions as much as possible, whether you are sitting or standing. Also avoid sitting cross-legged so as not to block your blood circulation. To improve your symptoms, walk as often as possible. Walking stimulates venous return and strengthens leg muscles. The benefit o ...


Spa and Wellness: 3 Good Reasons to Engage in Thermal Tourism in Lithuania

by an experienced sauna master using a bundle of carefully selected twigs. The twigs, called vantos in Lithuanian, help to exfoliate the skin, improve blood circulation, and relax muscles in the same way as a massage. The beauty rituals offered in Lithuanian saunas exclusively use natural materials ...


Cold Hands and Feet: Movements that Warm Up

n? When it's cold, our body focuses its efforts on keeping the vital organs warm and directs blood primarily towards the internal organs. Conversely, blood circulation becomes less efficient at the extremities because the small vessels constrict. The hands and feet, which are naturally poorly vascu ...


Hair Loss: 5 Natural Active Ingredients That Really Work

It also shares with stinging nettle sanitizing properties against oily hair and oily dandruff. Finally, this plant benefits the hair as it stimulates blood circulation in the scalp and the growth of new hair. Because these two plants have very similar properties, it is often recommended to take hor ...


Air Travel: 5 Tips to Feel Good

len feet during an airplane journey, especially when seated in a cramped space with no room to stretch your legs. After more than 6 hours of flight, blood circulation can become poor, and the sensation of heavy legs may occur. On long-haul flights and at high altitudes, there is even a risk of phle ...


Salt-based remedies: recipes and benefits

foot bath with coarse salt is another well-known remedy to relieve tired and swollen feet. Finish with a cold water jet on your feet and calves to stimulate blood circulation. A salt bath is also effective against fatigue, nervousness, and stress. To enhance its benefits, you can add a few drops o ...


Beauty: How to Have Beautiful Nails Without Polish?

ements on the surface of the nail. 4- To shine, make light rotations on the surface of the nail. This last step does not damage the nail but stimulates blood circulation and thus growth. You can therefore use the shining side as often as you wish! There are even electric nail buffers (battery-ope ...


Witch garden : which plants to grow ?

sed to make cough syrup. - Lemon balm acts against all symptoms of nervous origin, whether digestive disorders or sleep disorders. It improves blood circulation and fights against viral infections. - the stinging nettle is a stinging plant which grows spontaneously in gardens. It has a ...


Gym session at the beach: 5 easy exercises

1- Tone your legs To start this beach gym session, we suggest you take advantage of the sea water to tone your legs and boost your blood circulation with an easy first exercise. Get into the water, waist-deep if possible, and walk along the beach for at least 15 minutes to activate venous return ...


Car, train or plane: how to avoid back pain when traveling?

ace is often limited so don't hesitate to tilt your seatback so you can extend your legs. And above all, don't cross your legs to avoid blocking your blood circulation! To help you find a more comfortable posture during your trip, consider using the armrests if there are any (they will prevent ne ...


Thermotherapy: in case of pain, should I use hot or cold?

romoting muscle relaxation and tissue elasticity. Under the effect of a hot water bottle or a hot water compress, for example, blood vessels dilate and blood circulation improves. The application of heat, widely used by physiotherapists, can be of great help in case of aches and pains, stiffness ...


Recovery: what sport after a heart disease?

lest and most accessible exercises for people who want to get back into sports, especially for people with heart problems. Regular walking improves blood circulation, but if you want to work your heart more deeply, you should practice active walking, which means walking quickly and swinging your a ...


Centella asiatica: a plant with exceptional anti-aging properties.

these traditional medicines, it is used to treat skin conditions and oral health issues. It is also used to strengthen blood vessel walls and improve blood circulation, and in a completely different field, to treat anxiety and nervousness. In 2001, a team of British researchers demonstrated its eff ...


Beauty: 3 Massages to Enhance the Effectiveness of Treatments

our hands from the base of your neck towards your lower jaw. On the cheeks, make circular movements with your fingertips pressed together to activate blood circulation. On the forehead, again use the palms of your hands for smoothing movements. Finish this facial massage with a soothing gesture: pl ...


Beauty: 5 Tips to Combat Bags and Dark Circles

d aim for about 8 hours of sleep per night. That's the ideal amount of sleep for an adult. Limit alcohol and tobacco intake, which negatively affect blood circulation and skin health. Did you know that the skin under your eyes is 4 times thinner than on the rest of your face? It's no wonder it's pa ...


Running, jogging or brisk walking: what are the differences and benefits?

ies allow: • burning calories and maintaining your ideal weight. • strengthening the muscles of the legs, thighs, and glutes. • improving blood circulation, which is beneficial for cardiovascular health in general. However, running even at a moderate pace has additional virtues. T ...


Does hair grow faster in the summer?

of year that stimulates hair growth but rather the summer weather conditions. Sunlight and heat are two factors that boost hair growth by activating blood circulation. The scientific explanation for this phenomenon is vasodilation. Under the effect of heat, blood vessels dilate, and blood flow inc ...
