egain a serene atmosphere, especially if you have let books, magazines, or clothes accumulate around your bed. To make your resting place a welcoming cocoon again, start by removing all elements that clutter and pollute the space. You should be able to walk around your bed without obstacles and hav ...
a crazy bet launched by Nyle Bellamy, a member of the private club he frequents: to go around the world in 80 days! This hero, who leaves his cozy cocoon out of pride, is a kind of 19th-century superhero. Through its three main characters, the Around the World in 80 Days series pays fervent trib ...
d to re-enact a famous scene from Love at First Sight in Notting Hill! You can also go to have tea at the Sketch Gallery to snuggle up in the cozy cocoon of a pink lounge with very arty decor. Copyright: the justified sinner 2- Paris It was of course impossible to establish the top 3 m ...
continued to be reissued and revisited by prestigious brands of indoor and outdoor furniture. It must be said that its ovoid shape, enveloping like a cocoon, is particularly pleasant to curl up in the sun or at home for a moment of relaxation. View this post on Instagram A publ ...
g the wall, above the sofa or your headboard for example, to replace or complement the traditional bedside lamp. 2- Accumulate plaids and pillows Cocooning accessories par excellence, plaids and cushions are essential to transform certain strategic locations in your home or apartment into a cozy ...
ight, if possible oriented to enjoy the view of the garden. 2- A comfortable and intimate atmosphere. After bringing sweetness into our interior, the cocooning trend is now inviting itself into the garden and is one of the 5 outdoor decoration trends to follow this year! If you want to create a co ...
t! This method, which borrows some of its principles from feng shui and psychology, simply aims to make one feel good at home. Our living space is a cocoon whose arrangement has a direct effect on our well-being. That's why deco therapy advocates for carefully choosing one's decor. According to Fr ...
ew weeks, to enjoy its morale-boosting effect. Christmas decorations bring us back to our childhood and transform our home into a warm and comforting cocoon. So, if you feel like taking out the decorations from the boxes even though December has not yet arrived, don't hold back! Nostalgia is an ess ...
childcare lies in the stability it offers the child, who remains in their familiar environment. For toddlers, accustomed to their room and toys, this cocoon is synonymous with safety and comfort. Testimonial: "After several attempts at daycare, my 2 and 6-year-old children were often stressed and ...
Rich and warm hues for a "cocoon" effect. This year, the color palette is enriched with natural and deep tones (earthy brown, forest green, burgundy). These shades, sometimes slightly theatrical, envelop spaces in a cozy and elegant atmosphere. They are increasingly seen on walls (even in a total l ...