commuting articles Tag

Energy consumption: does telecommuting really save money?

Environment and Energy Management (ADEME) has been looking at the energy savings from remote working. In a study, it estimated that the use of Telecommuting results in Energy savings of 19% for companies. But this result is only achieved if all employees work from home on the same day. That's ...


Health: 5 Tips for a Spring in Full Swing

meal walk. Since the spring weather is more accommodating, leave your car in the garage and make all your short daily trips on foot or by bike. Bike commuting is a very efficient way to exercise every day without too much hassle. Remember that physical activity, even moderate, is even more benefici ...


Physical activity: 95% of French people do not move enough according to ANSES

ect on health is not limited to sports. It encompasses all forms of daily activity that allow for movement, whether they are work activities (bike commuting and time spent standing) or leisure activities (such as Gardening or shopping, for example). Conversely, spending more than 8 hours per d ...


How to spend your money to maximize your happiness?

the most enjoyable way possible. This may mean choosing a more expensive home but one that is closer to your place of work to avoid long hours of commuting in traffic. It is often said that 'time is money', but it is also true that money can save time. Yet, it is essential to have free time t ...


Engaging in Sports in the Spring: 5 Good Reasons to Get Back to It

ather by taking a digestive walk during their lunch break or by walking for their short daily commutes. This season is also a good time to start bike commuting and swap out the car for an electric assist bike or a conventional one. No matter the physical activity chosen, exercising outdoors is even ...


World Bicycle Day: Why Pedaling is the Solution to Your Problems

June 3rd, World Bicycle Day, it is worth remembering that pedaling helps save money on fuel, parking, and even public transport subscriptions. Bike commuting and cycling trips are an excellent solution for increasing purchasing power! In the current context, this is an argument that could convince ...
