completely normal articles Tag

Sweating: 5 unusual facts

sant smelling sweat. In contrast, the eccrine glands that cover the entire body produce an odourless watery liquid. The only way to counteract this completely normal hormonal phenomenon is to adopt impeccable Hygiene and commercial antiperspirants or their natural alternatives such as alum stone ...


On March 21, wear mismatched socks!

ness among the general public for a more inclusive society. Wearing mismatched socks reminds us that we are all different and that it's okay. It's completely normal. Why this date? The mismatched socks challenge is held every year on March 21. In fact, that date is World Down Syndrome Day. ...


Seniors: 5 tips for maintaining mobility with age

p is a good way to boost motivation, but also memory and morale through social interaction with other participants. 2- Walk every day While it is completely normal for physical abilities to decline with advancing age, dependence is not inevitable! The second tip for maintaining mobility with age ...


How to take care of a tradescantia or wandering jew?

de. Then, simply place this node in room temperature water or directly transplant it into suitable soil, making sure to keep the substrate moist. Note: It is completely normal for the stems of your Tradescantia to break, as this is how the plant reproduces. Feel free to collect the broken stems, as ...


ZZ plant or Zamioculcas zamiifolia in 5 questions

e better brightness, but without direct sunlight. Note: If your Zamioculcas zamiifolia has black spots on its stems, there is no need to worry. It is completely normal! It is also normal for new stems and leaves to have a lighter color than the older ones. They should normally become darker and st ...


Facelift: Everything You Need to Know in 5 Questions

However, this procedure does not slow down skin aging. As the skin continues to age and evolve, the result of this cosmetic surgery lasts for about ten years. It is completely normal for the result to deteriorate over the 10 to 15 years following the procedure. ...
