e proper technical operation of this type of ads and who sell access to their subscribers' data to advertising agencies, after having asked for their consent. In other words, it is thanks to telecom operators that advertisers can target households according to their geographical location or accor ...
mmercial prospecting, according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In theory, the merchant must obligatorily collect the customer's consent before being able to process and use their personal data, such as their email address and phone number. In practice, the Cnil and consumer ...
with certain restrictions imposed by law. According to Article 226-1 of the Penal Code, it is illegal to film people in private spaces without their consent, a violation punishable by a fine of up to €45,000 and one year of imprisonment. On the other hand, filming public roads remains allowed, a ...
trar may decide to see you together or separately in a hearing. This hearing, which is optional, makes it possible to ensure that each of the spouses consents to the marriage in a free and informed manner. 5- Wait for the publication of the banns The last of the formalities to get married is the ...
t and facilitate access to this data by the persons concerned A data can not be collected without the knowledge of a person (cookies on a site ...), consent must be requested. In addition, this person must be informed of his rights regarding his personal data: consultation, rectification, oppositi ...
anges in our society with regard to love and sexuality. In this issue of Les temps changent, it will be notably about the Veil law, divorce by mutual consent and the first homosexual Marriage but also about Marriage for all and polyamory... The program examines how French society has come so far ...
on a gift card that you can use among the brands of the ÏdKids group (Okaïdi, Oxybul, Jacadi...). If your old toys are unsold, you can also give your consent for them to be passed on to partner associations and organizations. ...
e very polarized reactions. The moral of the story: if you don't want to spoil the Christmas Eve atmosphere, it's better to ask your guests for their consent before playing your favorite Christmas playlist. They made Mariah Carey the Christmas diva. Whether you like them or not, you're far from done ...
ality. This fulfillment involves a good understanding of one's body, contraceptive methods, and sexually transmitted infections, but also concepts of consent and respectful relationships. Rights to Defend To achieve and maintain a fulfilling sexuality, it is essential that the rights of all individu ...
will find a reliable and regularly updated list of very practical free tools. Note Well Always adhere to best practices in email marketing: explicit consent from subscribers, clear legal notices, and strict management of personal data in accordance with the GDPR. This improves deliverability and le ...