dietary supplement articles Tag

Dietary supplements: how to use them properly?

What is the definition of a dietary supplement? According to French law, a dietary supplement is not a medication but a food product. Despite their presentation in the form of capsules, tablets or even chewable gummies, these products are neither medicines nor sweets! A dietary supplement can be d ...


Dietary supplements and cancer: 5 products to avoid

this organ from the excesses of medication. While desmodium has a reputation for being hepatoprotective, scientific studies have revealed that this dietary supplement can worsen the effects of treatments on the liver. There is a risk of liver damage regardless of the dose ingested, according to t ...


Marine collagen: how to choose it and use it properly?

lm of anti-aging cosmetics, it is used in the formulation of some plumping treatments, such as serums or creams, and is also available in the form of dietary supplements in capsules or powder. A few years ago, the first cosmetic treatments with collagen were derived from bovine sources. Today, thes ...


Insomnia: Melatonin is not a miracle cure

hms and promotes sleep onset. This hormone has been used for over thirty years to treat insomnia. In France, for several years now, over-the-counter dietary supplements containing synthetic melatonin have also been available to combat insomnia and disorders related to jet lag... 700 new supplement ...


Hair Loss: 5 Natural Active Ingredients That Really Work

restore a healthy scalp to slow down hair loss. To enjoy the benefits of this natural active ingredient, you can take nettle in the form of organic dietary supplements or make a homemade hair mask with nettle powder. Horsetail Field horsetail is another plant rich in organic silicon. Like nettle, ...


Well-being: 5 health benefits of omega-3s

pment of our cells and the proper functioning of our body. Since our body cannot synthesize them, they must be obtained through diet or as part of a dietary supplement regimen. These essential fatty acids are good for the heart and, more broadly, for the cardiovascular system. This is the first of ...


Dietary supplements for athletes: what are the risks?

uly 2024, even as the Paris Olympic Games might encourage the French to get back into sports, Anses is alerting the general public about the risks of dietary supplements for athletes. The products targeted by the health safety agency are supposed to improve athletic performance, increase muscle mas ...
