dried fruits articles Tag

No-bake chocolate tartlets: an easy recipe

tartlets for 4 people: 200 g of petit-beurre biscuits. 70 g of sweet butter. 200 g of dark baking chocolate. 160 g of liquid cream. 8 tablespoons of dried fruits. Note: to prepare this dessert in a plant-based or vegan version, simply choose lightly sweetened dry biscuits made with vegetable oil, ...


Greek Yogurt Verrines with Summer Fruits: An Easy Recipe

mmer fruits for 2 people: 2 plain Greek yogurts. 2 to 3 tablespoons of maple syrup or liquid honey. 2 apricots. 2 nectarines. 2 plums. 2 handfuls of dried fruits. Note: this dessert can be made with any seasonal fruits. For example, you can use raspberries, white peaches, melon, or even watermelon ...


Energy balls with prunes and sesame: an easy recipe

u get a smooth consistency. 3- You should get a kind of thick paste, like in the picture below. Assembly Energy balls are small sweets made of dried fruits and seeds. Their preparation reminds us of chocolate truffles because you shape the balls in the palm of your hand. 1- Take small quan ...


Healthy snacks: what are the best oilseeds for your health?

s to all plants grown for their fruits or seeds, from which oil can be extracted. This generic term covers several types of plants: - nuts or dried fruits such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts - seeds such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds or chia seeds - fruits from which oil is ...


Appetizer Platter: 5 Tips for Creating a Charcuterie and Cheese Board

es. 3- breads, crackers, and breadsticks. 4- spreads, butters, and jams. 5- savory accompaniments and vegetables like olives and pickles. 6- fresh or dried fruits such as figs, nuts, cherry tomatoes, and grapes. Dare to mix sweet and savory. Another of the 5 tips for creating a charcuterie and chees ...


Vegan Fruit Cake: A Delicious Recipe

For this vegan fruit cake recipe, I've chosen a filling made with sultanas and sautéed diced apples. However, feel free to use candied fruit or other dried fruits such as cranberries or dried apricots. 1- Rinse the sultanas under cold running water. 2- Let them soak in a bowl of warm water with a ...


Hemorrhoids: 3 natural solutions to avoid recurrence

ng the following good habits: - Eat more fiber by increasing your portions of fruits and vegetables but also of semi-complete cereals and bread, dried fruits, chia seeds or flax seeds - Favour foods rich in antioxidants that strengthen veins such as red and black fruits, pomegranate, goji, ...


Portion per person: how to measure the right amount of food?

salad. For fruit, a serving is a medium-sized fruit (an apple, pear, banana or orange) or 2 kiwis or 3 tablespoons of applesauce. To note: for dried fruits such as walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds, one serving is the amount you can hold in the palm of your hand. How to measure fat? Even if yo ...


Sports: 6 Misconceptions to Forget

rience hypoglycemia and discomfort. To avoid this, it is recommended to eat a light meal before your workout session. For example, you can have some dried fruits or a slice of bread before heading to the gym." 2- You need to exercise for at least 45 minutes for it to be beneficial. This other misco ...


Swimming: How to avoid cramps while swimming?

ny risk, avoid consuming foods that are too rich or hard to digest. Opt for potassium-rich fruits like a banana or two apricots, or a small handful of dried fruits (walnuts, almonds, or hazelnuts). 4- Avoiding risk factors. If some drinks are beneficial for muscles, others can promote the occurrence ...


Make a light appetizer: 5 easy tips.

time to cook, the last tip for a light appetizer is to serve your guests raw nuts, that is, unsalted and unroasted nuts. When they are devoid of salt, these dried fruits make a healthy snack with numerous nutritional benefits. Therefore, always have the following for aperitif time: • almonds ...


Fructose is believed to be the leading cause of obesity worldwide.

lactose. It is a sugar naturally found in certain foods, particularly in honey and fruits, hence its name. Honey contains nearly 40% fructose, while dried fruits such as raisins, figs, and dates contain 30%. For comparison, a pear contains 6% fructose, and a ripe banana contains 5%. This sugar is ...


Pumpkin bread: an easy pumpkin cake.

od amount of sugar. However, this white glaze will allow you to decorate this Halloween cake. Once the cake is glazed, sprinkle it with pumpkin seeds and other dried fruits such as pecans or dried cranberries, then let the glaze dry. ...


Saint-Marcellin: 5 Things to Know About This Cheese

hatever your preference, note that this regional cheese is best enjoyed with country bread and pairs well with apples, Grenoble walnuts, and local honey. Dried fruits add crunch while fresh fruits lend a sweetness to the mix. As for drinks, you can pair it with a farmer's apple juice or an Isère c ...


Apple Cinnamon Porridge: A Vegan Recipe

seeds like pumpkin seeds or walnuts for crunch. Feel free to vary the toppings according to the season and enrich your breakfast with other fresh or dried fruits such as mandarin segments, raisins, or fresh raspberries. ...


Prepare for the Worst: Practical Guide to Handling Emergency Situations

n for: Drinking water: About 6 liters of water per person (2 liters per day for at least three days).Non-perishable food: Canned goods, energy bars, dried fruits, freeze-dried foods.Battery-powered radio: Essential for following official instructions in case of a power outage. Flashlight and spare ...


10 tips for efficiently building a food stockpile

er). It is therefore essential to have a proportion of foods that can be consumed directly, such as: - Canned goods (tuna, sardines, beans, soups) - Dried fruits and nuts - Biscuits and energy bars - Canned meals like ravioli Even if it's not always very appetizing, it remains a good alternative i ...
