t the National Museum of Natural History. View this post on Instagram A post shared by MNHN (@le_museum) Spotlight on the Evolution of Life In 2021, the Jardin des Plantes Festival of Lights returns for its 3rd edition from 29 November 2021 to 30 January 2022. After ha ...
A magazine on the evolution of society As its title suggests, the magazine Les temps changent looks at the evolution of morals and society. Each issue of this documentary series broadcast on France 2 tackles a theme that crosses time and consists of an unpublished 90-minute film followed by a time ...
state sector increasingly digitized. Long associated with traditional market practices, the real estate investment sector is undergoing its "digital revolution". The purchase of shares, once administered within banking institutions in paper contract format, can now also be done through online platfo ...
Invention of the mobile phone The mobile phone is not, strictly speaking, an invention but an object born from the combination of several technologies (some of which were known since the late 1940s). The origins of this innovation can be traced back to radio technology that was developed from th ...
France, said in the Express on January 15, 2022: 'a period of calm should open before us.' If some experts are confident and optimistic about the evolution of the Covid 19 epidemic in France, it is because the omicron variant is proving less dangerous than the previous delta variant. Still ac ...
ual disorder is getting earlier and earlier in all regions of the world. Fortunately, simple preventive measures exist to prevent or slow down the evolution of this vision disorder, in both children and adults. 1- Spend more time outside The first of the 5 myopia prevention tips is to spend m ...
asis of the increase in prices and the increase in the average wage, was introduced in France by the law of January 2, 1970. The aim is to bring the evolution of the minimum wage closer to that of the average wage. The French system, however imperfect, is therefore one of the most favorable. T ...
ees user confidentiality and privacy. A tool with educational and ecological purposes One of the unique features of the IGN Maps application is the ability to observe the evolution of the French territory through a before/after functionality. Through IGN maps, users can go back in time and visualiz ...
ng to give airsoft a more official status. This article explores the developments in the discipline, existing competitions, and the prospects for the evolution of the hobby. 2 - Airsoft: From Leisure Activity to Structured Competition 2.1 Origins and EvolutionBorn in Japan in the 1970s, airsoft quic ...
(zoo) - Greenhouses - Alpine garden - Rose garden - Public toilets - Children's playground - Refreshment stands - Botanical school garden - Great Gallery of Evolution - Gallery of Comparative Anatomy and Paleontology - Gallery of Mineralogy - Entomology Gallery - Bookstore (Open from 8:00 am to 5:3 ...
s in popular retirement savings plans. Mandatory information The PERP management body is required to regularly inform the subscriber of the account's evolution. The management body may also deduct account management fees and must inform subscribers annually of the amount of these fees. Safety of sa ...
d a majority of the capital in 1989. Nostalgia then achieved a 5% cumulative audience share, with a younger target audience than at its inception. An evolution from decline to renaissance. In 1997, Western General acquired a 49% stake in the radio station. This station targets a younger audience by ...
about the circumstances of the accident. - Have a doctor issue a detailed medical certificate regarding the nature of the injuries and their expected evolution. - Report the accident to your insurer within 5 working days following the accident. - Keep records of reimbursement from Social Securit ...
roup. This event, which promotes American productions in France, also promotes American independent cinema, through the awards that are presented. Evolution of the festival The Deauville American Film Festival originally had no competition between the films presented. A form of unofficial co ...
erve led by mountain guides and a botanist. The perfect opportunity to observe local fauna and flora! - An altitude conference on the Grande Motte glacier and its evolution in the face of climate change with a glaciologist. - The inauguration of an outdoor exhibition called "Tignes and the Vanoise ...
What is the origin of the greeting card? The greeting card was born in England in the 19th century, with the introduction of the first postage stamp in 1840 and the invention of lithography. While the stamp made mailing easier, it was the lithography process that popularized Christmas and New Year' ...
What is the European regulation for toys? Since July 2013, a European directive called the Toy Safety Directive has limited the amount of chemical products in all articles intended for children: clothing, furniture, childcare items and of course toys. Despite this undeniable progress, some problem ...
der to better recognize and defeat it. Indeed, different treatments are possible, depending on the type of lymphoma, its aggressiveness, its stage of evolution, the number of treatments received and the patient's age: chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiotherapy and stem cell or bone marrow transplant. ...
hs by Yann Arthus-Bertrand. This retrospective entitled Legacy gives an overview of the whole work. It traces his 40-year career and highlights the evolution of his style and environmental concerns. While the photographer has become world famous for his images of the Earth from the sky, in his ...
cron announced that the Third dose of Covid vaccine would become mandatory to maintain its health pass for a portion of the population. Due to the evolution of the epidemic in France and throughout Europe, the government has indeed decided to take new measures, particularly with regard to vaccina ...