limination of secretions in case of chesty cough. In practice, this essential oil is recommended for all ENT infections, from the common cold to the flu, including rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, sinusitis, and bronchitis! 2- Anti-infectious virtues The essential oil of noble laurel is also renowned for ...
Flu symptoms The flu, although often confused with other viral illnesses (cold, rhinitis), is characterized by more severe symptoms that occur suddenly. It generally manifests as: - chills - high fever (39-40°, irregular) - severe headaches - a painful dry cough - varying degrees of nasal congest ...
mous awareness campaign once reminded us, "antibiotics are not automatic"! Indeed, these medications are ineffective against viral infections such as flu, rhino-pharyngitis, otitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, and bronchitis. It is estimated that 30 to 50% of antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary an ...
me reason, it has great healing abilities. It is also believed to have invigorating and invigorating properties in case of winter diseases such as flu. 9- Mountain honey Unlike the other honeys mentioned above, mountain honey is not monofloral but polyfloral. It is derived from different plan ...
e of the epidemic and the evolution of the virus, the main hypothesis advocated by experts is that Covid-19 will become a seasonal virus, similar to influenza or gastroenteritis. By dint of being exposed to it every winter, the population will develop a form of immunity. As with the flu, some ...
ens, especially when the ambient humidity level is high. At a time of year when winter viruses are circulating, which can cause Covid but also the flu or the common cold, it is more important than ever to follow the official recommendations of the WHO. The World Health Organization recommends ...
Ravintsara hydrolate against winter ailments If you're looking for a natural remedy to help you fight fatigue and prevent winter ailments like colds, flu and bronchitis, you can also use hydrolatherapy! The hydrolate of ravintsara is known for its tonic and fortifying properties. It is credited w ...
en • people in the close entourage of the child or pregnant woman For adults, the vaccines concerned are DTP, MMR, HPV, hepatitis B, whooping cough, flu, and meningococcus C. Since March 2021, midwives also have the right to vaccinate against Covid-19. 5- They can prescribe nicotine substitu ...
isease... In reality, this type of vaccine does not provide long-lasting protection like the tetanus vaccine, for example. It is more similar to the flu vaccine that needs to be administered to vulnerable individuals every autumn to protect them throughout the winter. Similarly, Covid-19 vaccinati ...
the activation of lymphocytes (the famous white blood cells). Adequate zinc intake helps reduce the risk of catching winter viruses such as a cold or flu, or at least limit the severity and duration of symptoms. In terms of food, the richest sources of zinc are seafood, starting with oysters, nuts, ...