Gelatin articles Tag

Wild Blackberry Charlotte: An Easy Recipe

pare a wild blackberry charlotte for 4 people: 400 g of blackberries. 500 g of cottage cheese. 75 g of sugar. 1 packet of vanilla sugar. 2 sheets of gelatin. the juice of one lemon. 30 ladyfingers. 5 cl of kirsch, Grand Marnier, or another liqueur. Note: if you are preparing this charlotte for chi ...


Verbena panna cotta: an easy recipe

he ingredients needed to prepare verbena panna cotta for 4 people: 50 cl of whole liquid cream. 3 handfuls of dried verbena leaves. 60 g of sugar. 3 gelatin sheets. Preparation of verbena cream To prepare this recipe for verbena panna cotta, simply infuse the dried leaves of this plant in the heavy ...


Beauty gummies: the trend decoded in 5 questions.

se gummies are not sweets, but a new form of dietary supplements that promise to help us better follow our treatments. They contain not only flavors, gelatin, and a sweetening ingredient but also minerals such as magnesium, vitamins, and plant extracts to remedy any deficiencies. Where does this tre ...


Mogu mogu: all about the new trendy drink

Philippines and Indonesia. It is a kind of frozen made from fermented coconut water and sugar. The pieces that float in the drink do not owe their gelatinous consistency to pork gelatin. Therefore, you can consume it even if you eat halal. For the same reason, this drink is also suitable for vege ...


Chia seed pudding stracciatella style: an easy recipe.

tain small shavings of dark chocolate to sprinkle on top of your verrines. Benefits of chia seeds As it contains neither cow's milk, honey nor animal gelatin, this stracciatella-style chia pudding is suitable for people following a vegan diet. Thanks to this delicious plant-based dessert rich in ch ...


The watering gel to water plants during vacations.

s very simple. You only need two ingredients: water and a natural gelling agent called agar-agar. Agar-agar is a seaweed often used in cooking as a replacement for pork gelatin to set certain preparations and make vegan desserts like panna cotta and custard... Depending on the requirements of your ...


Vegan Pastry: 8 Tips for Making Vegan Cakes

useful if you are looking for a plant-based gelling agent to prepare a flan or mousse. Agar-agar powder is the best solution to replace animal-derived gelatin. This white powder is extracted from a Japanese red algae. But be careful! To achieve the desired gelling effect, you must strictly follow ...
