Greater articles Tag

Regards du Grand Paris: a free photo exhibition in Île-de-France

A photographic journey in Île-de-France Reviews of Greater Paris is a photographic journey that has been installed in some forty sites in Paris and its close suburbs until October 23, 2022. Very diverse places such as public transport, the public space of Greater Paris, the construction site of ...


5 things to do in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer

14th century Romanesque church houses the relics of the two Marys, Mary Jacoba (sister of the Virgin) and Mary Salome (mother of the apostles James the Greater and John). In the crypt, you can see a shrine containing the bones of Saint Sara, the maid who became the patron saint of gypsies. Next ...


The Saint Nicolas festivities in Nancy: a magical event

of 16 performances given by 10 professional companies. This grand parade will also include 23 floats from the municipalities and associations of the Greater Nancy metropolis and one of the floats will be dedicated to Krasnodar in Russia, the twin city guest of honor of the 2021 edition. While ...


Fluctuart in Paris: the first floating urban art center in the world

er and to represent all the currents of this art. The temporary exhibitions aim to introduce artists from all horizons: French or international, from Greater Paris or from the provinces, recognized or emerging... Young talents are also honored in 'the springboard gallery' located in the hold of t ...


Workplace Well-being: Slow Business in 5 Questions

eral short breaks throughout the day. - Organizing work into time blocks, to avoid multitasking and checking emails or smartphones every 5 minutes. - Greater autonomy granted to employees through telecommuting or flexible hours, so that tasks are completed within a set timeframe but without unnecess ...


Harry Potter: The Forbidden Forest Experience is coming to Montauban

y Discovery Global Themed Entertainment, Warner Bros, and Fever, will be presented for the first time to the French public, in collaboration with the Greater Montauban community in Tarn-et-Garonne. Before coming to France, some fans were able to discover it in 2021 in Cheshire, on the outskirts of M ...
