1- Why harvest your own seeds? Our grandparents used to harvest seeds from flowers and vegetables in their garden mainly for economic reasons. Even though each packet of seeds is not very expensive, the overall budget that a gardener has to allocate ends up representing a considerable amount. A go ...
A unique party in France. The Harvest Festival of Provins is unique because it is the only harvest festival in France that does not take place in the fields. It has been organized by the Commune Libre de la Ville Haute since 1971. The festivities take place in the village squares and streets, just ...
rea, opt for cultivation under frames and choose varieties that resist the cold, such as the White Lisbon variety. In both cases, you will be able to harvest white onions throughout the winter and never run out in your kitchen. 2- Carrots Among the 5 vegetables to sow in August in the garden, one sh ...
an asset to grow this vitamin-rich berry in the open ground in our latitudes. It is possible to plant Actinidia arguta in spring or fall and have a harvest 2 or 3 years later. In colder regions, prefer a spring planting. It is also possible to multiply this plant by sowing under cold frame (in ...
ants). It is a species native to Europe and temperate Asia, found from Turkey to China, as well as in North America. This plant, which has long been harvested in the woods, was only introduced quite late into gardens, around the 16th century. Which variety of strawberry to choose? There are over 60 ...
omes from a flower in the Crocus family: Crocus Sativus. Each flower has three red stigmas that are twenty-five to thirty millimeters long. It is by harvesting and drying the stigmas of this flower that this precious spice is obtained. 2- Why is saffron so expensive? With a price approaching 10,000 ...
n propagate it by dividing the clump in spring or by stem cuttings in August. Note also that potted plants should be repotted every two years. How to harvest lemon verbena? You can harvest fresh leaves as needed. You can also cut stems with pruning shears to dry them in the shade, in a dry and airy ...
re elongated berries measuring about 2 cm, blue in color and covered with a white bloom. These fruits reach full maturity in May. They are good to harvest when the outside of the fruit is blue and the inside is completely red. If they have a bitter taste, wait another week or two before picking t ...
When your plants have four leaves, thin out the rows to 40 cm in all directions. You won't have to wait long to taste it because it is possible to harvest its leaves after only 5 to 7 weeks. Don't wait for the flower buds to appear as the leaves then become harder. Since it is possible to sow ...
ave planted coloquintes in your garden and want to keep them for several fall and winter months without them drying out or getting moldy, you need to harvest them at the right time. Remember that they should be picked when they start to yellow but are still quite firm. How to keep them for a ...
n European settlers and Native Americans in 1621. In Canada, an earlier date was chosen because this holiday is traditionally associated with autumn harvests. The date of celebration has changed several times before being fixed on the second Monday of October in 1957. Celebrating in October also a ...
ng. Simply separate and replant the young shoots. This plant from the sunflower family enjoys full sun exposure and regular watering. To achieve a good harvest, it should be watered weekly. Yacon is best grown in open ground and tolerates all types of pH, alkaline, neutral, or acidic. It prefers r ...
the risk of poisoning, remember the following safety rules: 1- Only pick mushrooms that you know and recognize perfectly 2- If in doubt, show your harvest to a specialist, such as your pharmacist 3- Only pick specimens in good condition 4- Do not pick mushrooms near polluted sites 5- Separate ...
of the department are waiting for you to introduce you to their trades and products. On the agenda: guided tours of the mills, demonstrations of olive harvesting and crushing, and of course tastings of olive oil and specialties like brissaouda (grilled bread rubbed with garlic and drizzled with oli ...
b, Lebanon, or Spain. It comes with a set of specifications imposing strict rules on growers: - exclusively hand-picked. - no chemical treatment after harvest. - shipment to the point of sale within less than 6 days. 5- The Corsican clementine is recognized by its logo. A few years ago, only Corsica ...
unless Sunday falls on the eve of All Saints' Day: in this case, the festival is moved forward by one week. This festival, which marks the end of the harvest of the famous peppers, has been organized since 1968! It is an opportunity for producers to showcase their harvest and for restaurateurs to ...
Gardening for crops To the question why garden, the most obvious answer is probably: to be able to harvest and eat the fruits and vegetables from your garden. In these inflationary times, growing your own vegetable garden provides inexpensive and excellent quality fruits and vegetables. If you c ...
ys easy to know when the fruit is ripe. Yet, it is very important to pick blue tomatoes when they are fully ripe in order to enjoy their taste. To harvest them at the right time, observe the darkest areas on their skin. The blue tomato is ripe when its bright black areas turn dull purple. Beca ...
ral water or homemade lotion, it relieves redness and irritation, including eczema and skin allergies. If you have chamomile flowers in your garden, harvest them at the beginning of flowering, in June or July, and prepare a soothing lotion for the face and eyes. Pour a tablespoon of dried chamomil ...
les in one's garden allows discovering original vegetable species such as Good King Henry, for example. This is an edible wild plant whose leaves are harvested as needed to cook them like spinach. 3- What vegetables to plant in a perpetual vegetable garden? The vegetable species that regrow on their ...