t Thursday, on Twitter, is photography! Every Thursday, users of this social network have taken the habit of sharing photos with a very particular hashtag: #ThursdayPhoto! In almost four years of existence, this keyword has made its mark on Twitter where it has become the rallying sign for lov ...
1- This hashtag has 90 billion hits If you think the content available on TikTok is all about dance videos, it's time to reconsider! In less than a decade of existence, this Chinese app launched in 2016 has established itself as the favorite social network for young people and has diversified its c ...
igital offer Since the beginning of 2022, France 3 Paris Île-de-France's social networks have offered 100% fashion and 100% digital content under the hashtag #tokimodi. With Toki Modi, France 3 Paris Île-de-France's cultural magazine Toki Woki dons a brand new suit and declines its dressing and ...
ell as the Musée du quai Branly and the Palais de Tokyo are taking part. A theme per day During this Museum Week on Twitter, each day has its theme and hashtag! Museums will tweet exclusive content related to the day's theme, and the audience can react and share their favorites, questions, and even ...
taurants, hotels, spas, sites and monuments to visit as well as the number of times the sunset has been photographed and posted on Instagram with the hashtag #sunset in these cities! Copyright: Wethrift.com With more than 1,900 romantic restaurants and 75,000 posts including the hashtag ...
All structures wishing to participate in this event can find a practical guide online and publicize their participation on social networks with the hashtag #10marsjelis. Internet users can also use the same hashtag to share their reading photos on social networks. View this post on I ...
d'Azur airport which marks the end of the Promenade, simply take a break on one of the mythical blue chairs before turning back! 4- The I Love Nice hashtag If you want to keep a souvenir of your romantic getaway during Valentine's Day in Nice, I suggest you go take a selfie in front of the hash ...
incredible as it sounds, you can also find brand new furniture on the sidewalk. On Instagram some pages reference the best finds of passersby under the hashtag #stooping. Stooping is a very trendy phenomenon in Italy and the United States and is starting to develop in France. Real communities of ...
e phone and Instagram. The theme is: What does Short Film mean to you? All you need to do then is post your film on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter with the hashtag #jourlepluscourt. The most creative, funny or touching videos will be broadcast on the website, the Facebook page, and the Twitter acco ...
this occasion, a contest is organized on Instagram from June 24th to 29th: to participate, post your photos on the theme "animals and cinema" with the hashtag #animauxcinema and try to win iPads, annual passes to the Paris Zoological Park, and unlimited cinema cards... During the festival, all pla ...
repaired. The organizers of this Circular Monday encourage participants to post a photo of the corresponding products on social networks with the hashtag #circularmonday. Green or Blue Friday In France, people who want to denounce the excessive and unreasonable consumption associated with Bl ...
an share your results and compare them on social networks. Thousands of players have taken to sharing their daily results on social media with the hashtag #Wordle and 6 rows of 5 colored rectangles indicating how many tries they solved the puzzle. Wordle 202 4/6???????????????????????????????? ...
among photographers and influencers. It seems that nostalgia is catching on as sales of these cameras have increased by 15% to 20% in 2021. The hashtag #disposablecamera (disposable camera in English) is gathering hundreds of videos on Tik Tok that are accumulating over 285 million views! ...
ing goes! Once your feet are happily clad in mismatched socks, don't forget to take a picture of them and share that shot on social media with the hashtag #SocksBattle4DS, #LotofSocks or #MismatchedSocks If you want to do more and have even more fun, you can also learn the choreography of the ...
an to be awarded the label City of Surfing. The city's mayor, David Lisnard, was delighted with this unprecedented distinction on Twitter under the hashtag #CannesAvance. News ???? : Cannes becomes the first and only French Mediterranean city to be labeled "City of Surfing" by @SurfingFrance! ...
onal Cause and since then, national days of action against illiteracy are organized by the ANLCI every September. These days of mobilization under the hashtag #JNAI aim to remind people that it is possible to get out of illiteracy at any age. It's never too late to learn to read and volunteers ca ...
e, you can participate in the International Day of Clouds on March 29th on social media: simply take a picture of a cloud and post it on Instagram with the hashtag #StartToLookUp! ...
ds have sprung up on the Internet, especially on TikTok. The most surprising hair trend of the moment is the big comeback of rollers. On TikTok, the hashtag #menperm has amassed over 42 million views. Hair salons are seeing an increasing number of young men coming in asking for a perm to look like ...
Who popularized the OMAD diet? The OMAD diet, which stands for One Meal A Day, is the new trend among celebrities. Singer Bruce Springsteen, who celebrated his 75th birthday in September 2024, promoted it in the pages of the Times. Last March, Chris Martin, the lead singer of Coldplay, had already ...