headache articles Tag

Health: Understanding Migraine in 5 Questions

What is a migraine? Migraine is a chronic and disabling headache. This pain, more intense than a simple headache, predominantly affects women. The pain that affects half of the skull is debilitating, pulsatile (it beats in rhythm with the heart) and worsened by physical exertion. It is accompanied ...


Headaches: 5 natural remedies that provide relief

1- Essential oils The first tip to naturally relieve a headache is to use an essential oil roller. This natural remedy should be applied to the temples and forehead at the first signs of symptoms. Among pain-relieving essential oils, peppermint essential oil or Mentha piperita is known for its eff ...


Difficult holiday mornings: what solutions?

What causes a hangover? The Headache and Belly that can assail you in the aftermath of a drunken party are caused by acetaldehyde, a toxic substance produced in the body by the metabolism of alcohol. There's no need to lie to yourself, the cause of your symptoms on difficult party nights is simp ...


Gastroenteritis: symptoms and remedies

teria or a virus. The symptoms of the disease, which can vary from person to person, are diarrhea often accompanied by vomiting, abdominal cramps, headache, and fever flare-ups. The main complication to be feared is dehydration of the body, especially in infants and young children or the elder ...


Air travel: what are the prohibited items?

What can you take with you? Among the objects not allowed on the plane, some cannot be taken with you in a carry-on bag. Strictly forbidden in the cabin are: - sharp, blunt (baseball bat), metallic or non-metallic objects that can be used as weapons, including nail scissors, glass or metal nail ...


Christmas meal: beware of allergies!

Why is this a risky time? The holiday season is synonymous with long meals and lots of different foods. But for people with food allergies, it is difficult to enjoy the feast because there are so many risky foods. Eggs, wheat, milk, shellfish and nuts are traditionally on the menu for the Christ ...


The hydroalcoholic gel: history of an invention

minutes. This method is therefore simply impossible, and in the end caregivers wash their hands nearly 40% less than they should... To solve this headache, Didier Pittet sees a solution: using alcohol, which is a powerful antiseptic, instead of soap. With the help of William Griffiths, a phar ...


Covid-19: have we all become hypochondriacs?

ty about health. Hypochondriacs worry about their aches and pains as well as the 'silence of the organs'. At the slightest symptom, even a trivial headache, they think the worst (and imagine they are victims of an incurable disease). But, even feeling nothing at all can make them fear that the ...


Monkeypox: should we be concerned?

wollen glands and a rash on their hands, feet and face, the disease usually heals on its own. The symptoms that should alert you are fever, severe headache, swollen nodes, fatigue, and muscle pain. The rash then occurs and is usually concentrated on the face, palms, soles, and oral mucosa, gen ...


Balanced meal ideas: a week of easy recipes

Balanced meals when you want them People who eat out at lunch usually have their heartiest meal in the evening. If that's the case for you, you can use this Easy Recipes Week as inspiration for your evening meals. On the other hand, if you're used to eating your main meal at lunch and eating lig ...


Everything everywhere all at once: why is this film making the buzz?

Dies) in the lead role ... The plot, whose heroine is a Chinese immigrant living in California and owner of a laundromat, is enough to give you a headache as it navigates between eras and different universes, like The Matrix with a kung-fu sauce. As the story is impossible to summarize, here ...


The end of the mandatory receipt: what does it change?

is a very vague notion. Is a simple verbal agreement sufficient? Will it be necessary to ask for a signature at the cash desk? The question is a real headache... To answer it, some start-ups are working on solutions to anonymize the dematerialized ticket. This is for example the case of Billiv, a ...


Eye diseases: what symptoms should alert you?

e a sign of Horton's disease. Among the most serious eye diseases, this inflammation of the temporal artery also manifests as a flare-up of fever, headache, or pain in the forehead or temple. In this case, too, it is important to react quickly because the reduced blood flow to the eye can lead ...


Parking in Paris: Where to Find Cheaper Parking?

Where to park one's car in Paris? When looking for affordable parking in the city, the first instinct is to look for a free spot on the streets. In the capital, the search for a free parking space can take a long time and prove fruitless… It's important to know that only 2.5% of parking spaces ar ...


Escaping in a campervan: a (nearly) limitless style of travel

ccessible first step towards this mode of travel. There's no need to invest in a new vehicle or worry about where to store it off-season (that famous headache!). With rentals, you choose the exact duration of your stay (a short getaway or several weeks) and the type of vehicle suited to your desir ...
