acid articles Tag

Kojic acid: miracle cosmetic active or risky ingredient?

1- What is kojic acid? Kojic acid is a natural-origin cosmetic active. It is naturally produced by certain fungi. This substance is also a by-product of the fermentation of certain Asian foods, such as soybean paste, soy sauce, and rice wine. Still little known in France, this cosmetic active is ...


Hyaluronic acid injections: benefits and risks.

What is hyaluronic acid? Hyaluronic acid is a substance naturally present in our body, particularly in the epidermis. It is a hydrophilic substance that has the property of attracting water and thus contributing to the hydration of the skin. This active ingredient is therefore included in the compo ...


Health: 5 misconceptions about vitamin C

ork published in 2018 concluded that this vitamin has little to no effect on the duration of the common cold. This vitamin, also known as ascorbic acid, is still beneficial to our health because : - it helps strengthen our immunity by optimizing the action of white blood cells - it part ...


Hair: the benefits of castor oil in 5 questions

miracle remedy for hair, as well as for skin, nails, and eyelashes. This oil, known as castor oil in the list of cosmetic ingredients, has ricinoleic acid as its main active component. This unsaturated fatty acid, derived from oleic acid, gives it its viscous consistency. It is also responsible for ...


15 foods to relieve stress

. A study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders involving 2,800 middle-aged and elderly people found that those who consumed the most folic acid had a lower risk of depressive symptoms than those who consumed the least. Another study from the University of Otago in New Zealand found that s ...


Marine collagen: how to choose it and use it properly?

What is marine collagen? Marine collagen is a new anti-aging ingredient that is gaining a lot of attention, just like hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, or retinol... In the realm of anti-aging cosmetics, it is used in the formulation of some plumping treatments, such as serums or creams, and is also ava ...


Why the Mediterranean diet is the best in the world

plan. More broadly, the Mediterranean diet has a protective effect on health, due to its richness in plant-based foods, fiber, and unsaturated fatty acids. Epidemiological studies have shown that cancer rates are lower in Mediterranean countries, particularly for colon and breast cancers. Certain ...


Coryza in cats: symptoms and prevention

vise you: - To prevent further bacterial infections, antibiotics - Antiviral serum, antibiotic eye drops for conjunctivitis, and L-lysine (an amino acid that boosts immunity after viral illnesses, including herpes simplex virus infection). - Aerosol therapy (inhalation sessions) may be necessary ...


The salak or snake fruit: an unusual exotic fruit

to 8 cm long, covered with brown scales resembling the skin of a snake. Under its thin but hard and rough skin, this Asian fruit contains a juicy, acidic and sweet white flesh. What does it taste like? Those who have had the opportunity to eat salak comparing its taste to that of pineapple be ...


Sore throat: untangling the real from the fake

lcohol are all factors that promote gastroesophageal reflux disease. We don't always think about it, but pain in the throat can also be related to acid coming up from the stomach and irritating the lining of the esophagus and larynx in the process. So, if your throat pain persists or comes bac ...


Plumbing: the 5 most common problems and their solutions

. The most common method of unclogging is to use a manual pump or to run an electric ferret through the pipes. The plumber can also use a suitable acid, but this should only be done by a licensed plumber as it is a powerful product reserved for plumbing professionals. While waiting for the int ...


Kidney stones: what diet to adopt?

three cups of tea or coffee per day. You should also cut down on alcohol and soda consumption. Alcohol has a dehydrating effect and increases uric acid levels in the urine. Therefore, follow official recommendations and do not consume more than 1-2 glasses of wine per day and not every day. W ...


The Japanese apple tree: a spring flowering shrub

ting branches so that the sun can penetrate the heart of the tree. This modest pruning should be done in late winter, in February or March. Small acidic fruits As we said at the beginning of this article, the Japanese apple tree is not cultivated for its apples. Indeed, its fruits are generally ...


Health problems: are you entitled to chocolate?

f chocolate. Dark chocolate, which contains twice as much magnesium as milk chocolate (110 mg per 100 g) is also very rich in tryptophan, an amino acid with soothing effects. For this reason, you would be wrong to deprive yourself of it when you feel fatigue creeping up on you and stress is ab ...


Senility: drinking tea to prevent cognitive decline

lammatory molecules that protect our cells from aging, including: - catechin, an antioxidant of the flavonoid family - L-theanine, an amino acid with relaxing effects. In this study, researchers from the University of Singapore were able to observe that connections between different bra ...


Face, nails and hair: what beauty routine for fall?

idermis to naturally regain its balance, it is best to opt for very gentle and natural skincare in your fall beauty routine for the face. Avoid fruit acid peels and harsh cleansing gels. In particular, you can replace your peeling ritual with a steam bath. Place your face over a bowl of warm wate ...


Menopause: 5 tips to keep your skin beautiful

s that are able to nourish and firm your epidermis. In practice, menopausal women should favor care products rich in plant oils and butters, fatty acids and ceramides. Natural enthusiasts can even apply a nourishing plant oil like argan oil or rose hip oil to their skin every night. If you fee ...


Sporty Bobos: 5 Medicinal Plants for Athletes

Simply dilute it in a vegetable oil (at a rate of 30 drops in 10 ml of oil) and apply it in massage to painful areas to promote the elimination of lactic acid after exercise and relieve soreness. It can also be used before a sports session to warm up muscles, ligaments, and tendons and reduce the r ...


Hand pain: what to do?

ing crises. Another more natural solution, green clay poultices can also provide relief during osteoarthritis outbreaks. Corticosteroid or hyaluronic acid injections are sometimes recommended as they provide patients with longer-lasting relief. However, when the pain persists over the long term, su ...


Taurine: the new secret to living longer and healthier?

inds of the general public one of the key ingredients in energy drinks such as Red Bull or Dark Dog. It is a derivative of a sulfur-containing amino acid naturally present in animal tissues. In food, it can be found in meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, and even algae... Our body produces it in sm ...
