"What is Long Covid?" The World Health Organization defines long Covid as the persistence of symptoms following an infection with the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus. In France, the High Authority of Health (HAS) speaks of prolonged symptoms following Covid-19 when the symptoms persist for more than 4 week ...
es (heart conditions and heart failure, asthma or diabetes, and immune deficiencies). In young children and infants, the high fevers accompanying this infection can lead to seizures. The autumn and winter season: an increased risk of contamination As we approach 2025, it is important to remember tha ...
rare for a person to die from the bite of this spider. Its venom is not potent enough to kill a human. Most deaths related to this spider are due to an infection of the wound. Indeed, its bite can cause potentially life-threatening infectious reactions in some vulnerable people. The symptoms caused ...
ination of several viruses and bacteria. Three viruses are involved in coryza and cause different symptoms in the Cat: - A 'Herpes virus' causing infection of the nose, respiratory tract and eyes (which can be fatal in weakened animals) - a Calicivirus causing fever and fatigue, oculonasal disc ...
act. They are transmitted through contact from the first sexual relations and can cause precancerous lesions and cancers. In about 90% of cases, the infection disappears within 1 to 2 years. However, in 10% of infected individuals, it causes precancerous lesions that can develop into cancer. Human ...
Covid for free if you wish. To receive a booster dose, you simply need to wait at least 6 months after your last vaccination against Covid or after your last infection (i.e., after the date of the positive test). For individuals over 80 years old and residents of nursing homes, it is sufficient t ...
s increased vigilance and very rigorous intimate hygiene to limit the risk of complications. The main health dangers of this practice are: • the risk of infection due to bacterial proliferation from prolonged contact with blood. • the risk of vaginal flora imbalance. • the risk of ...
. With a good kit, you can react quickly and effectively: clean the wound, apply an appropriate bandage or dressing, and voilà! There's less risk of infection, less stress, and the ability to easily monitor the wound's progress. Must-have items for your kit Before diving into endless lists, let's ...
a few simple tricks to unclog the ears: - blowing while pinching your nose - chewing gum during the plane's descent. Note: if you suffer from an ear infection or an infection of the ear, nose, or sinuses before your departure, it is better to postpone your flight. If you have a cold, use a nasal s ...
Symptoms of gastroenteritis Gastroenteritis (not to be confused with stomach flu) is an inflammatory infection usually caused by bacteria or a virus. The symptoms of the disease, which can vary from person to person, are diarrhea often accompanied by vomiting, abdominal cramps, headache, and fev ...
gently to avoid hurting yourself with the orange stick! It is strongly advised not to cut the cuticles with scissors, as this increases the risk of infection and makes the cuticles even harder. 3- Polish to make shine Yes, it is possible to have beautiful shiny nails without polish as long as you ...
re running out. Lawler and others say the coronavirus outbreak will continue to spread as travelers from China to other countries show symptoms of infection. He says we still don't know how many people will get sick and how many will die before the outbreak recedes. To stop the spread of the d ...
eed and de-clog even after the leech has been removed. In 80% of cases, the use of leeches is sufficient to save the graft. 2- Maggots against infections To treat some infected wounds, maggots, i.e. greenfly larvae, are also used. These little worms are indeed able to clean a wound and sti ...
on the same technology: messenger RNA vaccines. These two vaccines are therefore compatible and have the same efficacy in preventing Covid-related infection, hospitalizations, and deaths. The Moderna vaccine is simply discouraged for those under 30 by the High Authority for Health due to very ...
. It is believed to have relaxing properties but also antiseptic properties for the bronchi and lungs. Very useful in case of respiratory tract infection, it is also effective in treating insect bites and accelerating the healing of burns and infected wounds. 3- Linden honey The lime honey ...
throughout metropolitan France, at different levels depending on the region. All audiences are affected, especially children. For most people, the infection has no serious consequences, unlike the elderly or frail in whom the disease may result in hospitalization. 3- It is more contagious tha ...
tall a straw mulch at the base of your plants so that the leaves stay dry - regularly inspect the foliage of your tomatoes to detect any sign of infection at the beginning of the disease. If you notice that your tomatoes are beginning to be affected by this disease, the only action to preven ...
e result, other tests will be proposed. Other medical examinations are mandatory for pregnant women, in particular a blood test to detect : - infections that can cause fetal malformations such as rubella or toxoplasmosis - viruses and bacteria that can contaminate the fetus such as syph ...
ing to get back into the habit of walking barefoot. To be noted: walking barefoot outdoors is contraindicated for diabetics because of the risk of infection. People with diabetes should only walk barefoot indoors to avoid injury. 3- Getting back into sports Among the benefits of the seaside, ...
through the door of your tattoo parlor. Tattoo artists are indeed obliged to provide their customers with a set of information about the risks of infection, the healing time, the precautions to be respected in the weeks following the drawing, the foreseeable pain and the permanent nature of the ...