instinct articles Tag

Instinct animal : a meeting with the wild fauna on France 2

Rendezvous with the wildlife Seeing the actress Julie de Bona in the savannah landscapes of Tanzania, in the trailer of the show Instinct animal on France 2, one could think that it is a new issue of Rendez-vous en terre inconnue with Raphaël de Casabianca... Many journalists have indeed pointe ...


À l'instinct : the pilot of a new series on France 2

A cop who works on instinct The hero of this TV movie is Teva Royer, a police lieutenant in Cayenne who was raised in a village deep in the Amazon. As an infant, he survived alone in the jungle for seven months. No one knows what happened during those long weeks, but since that experience, no em ...


Hunting dogs: loyal companions with exceptional qualities

It should not be forgotten that owning a hunting dog involves several responsibilities. An important point: these dogs generally have a strong chasing instinct. Therefore, it is necessary to channel this instinct (and prevent them from chasing neighborhood animals). In addition to physical exercis ...


Heat wave: 5 tips to cool down

1- Take a shower... but not too cold The first instinct we often think of when we get too hot is to take a shower. This is a good idea, but only if you set the water temperature properly. During hot weather or a heat wave, we all too often tend to take a cold shower. But, in reality, this is not ...


Toulouse-Lautrec High School: a series inspired by a true story on TF1

ce courses'. For young Fanny Riedberger, this experience was not without its difficulties when she arrived at this high school like no other. 'My first instinct was to run away. I was in the minority. The disabled person was me.' Years later, it was within the walls of this same institution th ...


Annika: a unique police series on France 3.

and shares her workspace with Michael McAndrews, Blair Ferguson, and Tyrone Clarke. In order to solve all kinds of mysteries, she can rely on her cop instinct but also on the literary and historical references she draws from Nordic sagas. This investigator, who has Norwegian origins, loves this lite ...


Unusual: 3 good sides of mosquitoes.

ans, not all are to be feared! Out of the 3500 existing species, only 200 can sting humans. It should also be noted that only female mosquitoes sting... out of maternal instinct! They find in the blood of their victims the essential amino acids necessary for the maturation of their eggs before layi ...


Parking in Paris: Where to Find Cheaper Parking?

Where to park one's car in Paris? When looking for affordable parking in the city, the first instinct is to look for a free spot on the streets. In the capital, the search for a free parking space can take a long time and prove fruitless… It's important to know that only 2.5% of parking spaces ar ...


Catnip: Everything You Need to Know About This Herb That Cats Love

t owner, this plant can be useful in certain situations: • to help your pet relax before a visit to the vet, for example • to stimulate the playful instinct in a lazy cat. 5- How to use catnip? To use catnip properly, one must not confuse two main types of herbs for cats: • Young g ...


Violin spider in France: Should we be concerned?

k and warm places. It only comes out at night to hunt small insects. • it only bites humans if it feels threatened. When faced with danger, its first instinct is to flee or play dead. It prefers to conserve its venom for its prey. • its fangs are very small and have difficulty penetratin ...


Caats Review: My Experience with This Cat Food (+ Promo)

roducing a wet component (wet food) into his diet, I've noticeably observed that he hydrates more. > Did you know? Cats have a less developed thirst instinct than dogs. Adding wet food to their diet helps them stay hydrated and preserve their kidneys. A tailored and flexible subscription Before dis ...
