invasion articles Tag

Flies, moths, ants: natural solutions against insects

ctive. You will also find small circles to stick on windows in supermarkets. What to do about ants? When ants invade your home, it quickly becomes an invasion! If you are reluctant to use commercial traps and aerosols, you can try the following natural solution: 1- Pour some strongly brewed tea int ...


Tapinoma magnum: Everything You Need to Know About This Invasive Ant in 5 Questions

round, including cat kibble! 5- How to get rid of Tapinoma magnum ants? Currently, there is no simple and effective treatment available to combat the invasion of Tapinoma magnum ants. Residents in Corsica and other regions of France, exasperated by these invaders, tend to worsen the problem. Indeed, ...


Natural gardening : how to use wormwood in the garden ?

ay it on the plants without diluting it. You can spray as a preventive measure or repeat this treatment up to three times a month to treat a heavy invasion of aphids, slugs, flea beetles or cherry fruit flies. To prepare a wormwood decoction, you must: - pour one liter of water into a con ...


Frog in the garden: what to do?

To be noted: do not add fish to this water body, as they might eat the amphibian eggs and tadpoles! But don't worry: your pond won't cause a mosquito invasion at your house because the tadpoles will feed on their larvae, without giving them time to develop. If you are not allowed to create a pond ...


Drought: how to prepare your vegetable garden for a dry spell?

the days are warm but the nights are cool, it is better to water in the early morning to avoid the development of fungal diseases like mildew and the invasion of the garden by slugs. ...


Garden: attract tits to combat processionary caterpillars

t touching them, one can be exposed to their hairs or bristles which embed in the skin, eyes, or mucous membranes and release a toxin. In case of an invasion in the garden, it is therefore very important to react quickly to get rid of these stinging caterpillars. A common bird species in France can ...
