Lisbon articles Tag

Porto : places to visit

Presentation Portugal's second most populous city after Lisbon, Porto is located in the north of the country at the mouth of the Douro River on the Atlantic coast. From time immemorial, this city that the Romans had named 'Portus' (the port) owed its prosperity to an important maritime and comme ...


The Night of the Museums: a great festive event

nd convivial event that takes place simultaneously in all the signatory countries of the European Cultural Convention. From Warsaw or Bucharest to Lisbon in Portugal, all European museums, large and small, are invited to participate in this annual event. For the first time in 2009, UNESCO has ...


The Belem: 5 unusual facts about the famous sailboat.

visited, is over 125 years old! Its name is an abbreviation of Bethlehem in Portuguese. There is a captaincy and a lookout tower called the same in Lisbon at the mouth of the Tagus River. On the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, Belém is also a port located in northeastern Brazil. The steel-hull ...


Paid leave accrued during sick leave: what does the labor code reform provide?

owed to employees who have been ill and have lost vacation time for this reason since December 1, 2009, the date of entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, to 3 years. Employees whose employment contract ended before the enactment of this law or who choose to be paid for vacation days rather than ...


Notebooks from Elsewhere: a magazine that makes you travel

nvite you to travel to Havana; • Thierry Laval's colorful sketches convey the ambiance of Djibouti; • illustrator Émilie Borel reveals the city of Lisbon where she resides… All these drawings reflect the artist's personal experience and capture the essence of the visited places. They ...


Vegetable garden: 5 vegetables to sow in August

with mild winters. If winters are harsh in your area, opt for cultivation under frames and choose varieties that resist the cold, such as the White Lisbon variety. In both cases, you will be able to harvest white onions throughout the winter and never run out in your kitchen. 2- Carrots Among the ...
