Loneliness articles Tag

Mental health: the unexpected benefits of watching sports on television

ernment in 2019, data were collected from 7,209 people aged 16 to 84. Volunteers had to answer a questionnaire about their level of satisfaction and loneliness when participating in a sporting event, either live in a stadium or on television from their couch. It appeared that watching sports on tel ...


Timeleft: an app to expand your circle of friends

What is the concept of Timeleft? As paradoxical as it may seem, the mobile application Timeleft aims to remedy the loneliness caused by screens and algorithms in our lives... with other algorithms! Let's clarify right away that this new tool does not present itself as a dating app. Its goal is bro ...


Film: understand the Don't Look Up phenomenon in 5 questions

tted to the environmental cause, agreed to be cast. Other activists involved in environmental issues have said they can relate to the distress and loneliness of the two heroes in this film. Fortunately, in the film, the astrophysicists take the opposite view of eco-anxiety and encourage their ...


5 good reasons to practice cani-hiking with your dog

r helped her overcome depression. The presence of animals, especially dogs, has a well-known antidepressant effect on doctors. A dog helps break the loneliness of isolated people and encourages its owner to stay active since it needs to go out every day. If the daily walks you take with your dog a ...


Noisy-le-Grand: Which nursing home to choose when dependency becomes too overwhelming?

tc. If this criterion is not met, visits from relatives will become less frequent and eventually stop over the years, which will increase the feeling of loneliness and abandonment in the dependent elderly person. Therefore, it is important to involve the elderly person in their choice of facility, ...


The beguinage: a housing solution for seniors

1- What is a beguinage housing? The concept of béguinage originated in Flanders in the 17th century. Originally, this word was used to designate places where religious communities lived. Women called béguines worked, prayed, and lived together while respecting each other's privacy. Nowadays, som ...
