Iconic products from the department The olive tree is the emblematic tree of the Mediterranean basin. In France, the PACA region naturally ranks as the leading olive-producing region. In the Alpes-Maritimes and the County of Nice, olives have been cultivated since ancient times and are used in all ...
is a vegetable plant in the same family as ornamental chrysanthemums. Its botanical name is Chrysanthemum coronarium. This plant is native to the Mediterranean basin and East Asia. In fact, it is highly valued in Japan and China, where it is called Shungiku or Golden Tang respectively. Less s ...
This product was indeed used by the Egyptians and had, at that time, a social, religious and medicinal function. Its use then spread throughout the Mediterranean basin, Arabia and part of Asia. It was then used to emphasize the look of women, but also of men and children. In ancient times, ...
ance believes that the most likely scenario for this summer is the persistence of anticyclonic conditions, not very conducive to precipitation, over Europe and the Mediterranean basin. If the trends forecast for next June, July and August are to be believed, heat is 'very likely' this summer over ...
A plant of easy culture The white lupine or Lupinus albus is a plant of the Fabaceae family that was already cultivated in ancient times by the Egyptians and Greeks. Simply sow it in spring or fall in regions with mild winters and the plant will emerge from the ground in less than a month. This ...
but rather floral buds! The plant that produces this condiment is the common caper bush or Capparis spinosa, a shrub that grows wild throughout the Mediterranean basin and can reach 50 cm in height. The floral buds of this plant are harvested while still closed and then pickled in salt and vinega ...
em as Corsican ants, but the representatives of the species Tapinoma magnum are not endemic to the Isle of Beauty. This ant species is native to the Mediterranean basin and only arrived in Corsica in 2020. It was probably imported to the island from the Maghreb, along with plants or compost via nur ...