Middle East articles Tag

Tourism Jordan: 5 things to do in Amman

museum, which is housed on the campus of the Jordan University of Science and Technology, features collections of art from different cultures in the Middle East and the world. But it is particularly renowned for its collections of Islamic art, some of which date back to the Mamluk and Ottoman pe ...


Saffron: Everything You Need to Know About This Precious Spice in 5 Questions

1- Which flower produces saffron? Saffron is a spice that comes from a flower in the Crocus family: Crocus Sativus. Each flower has three red stigmas that are twenty-five to thirty millimeters long. It is by harvesting and drying the stigmas of this flower that this precious spice is obtained. 2- ...


Petra in Jordan: a natural and architectural wonder

ch archaeological site Its monuments and vast carved tombs make Petra a magical place. This archaeological site, which is one of the most famous in the Middle East, bears witness to diverse influences, both Eastern and Hellenistic. Imposing tombs were dug and carved into the rock by the Nabateans ...


Tourism: 5 trendy destinations in 2022 according to TripAdvisor

of the TripAdvisor platform voted the capital of Egypt. The ancient city of Cairo is now a modern metropolis and one of the largest cities in the Middle East. The city known as the city of a thousand minarets is the ideal destination to discover Egypt's history and culture. Copyright: ...


Aurone: the most effective plant against mosquitoes

a perennial aromatic plant in the Asteraceae family. Its botanical name is Artemisia abrotanum. This species is native to southern Europe and the Middle East and forms a small shrub 50 cm to 1 m tall. It grows in a bushy clump and can be recognized by its finely divided gray-green foliage. A ...


Photo: 5 things to know about the photographer Abbas

ntry for some time. Although he published his images in international magazines to cover political and social conflicts in Biafra, Bangladesh, the Middle East, Chile, and during apartheid in South Africa, this iconic Magnum Agency photographer was much more than just a photojournalist. The jou ...


Dubai: the destination of all records

ly recent history, this city has nothing to envy the world's largest cities such as London or New York! In fact, it is nicknamed the Manhattan of the Middle East for its impressive skyscrapers. This 4100 km² megalopolis installed beyond the desert dunes has become the scene of the craziest proje ...


International Coffee Day: 5 ways to drink coffee around the world

ent coffees and the traditions associated with these drinks, we must of course mention Turkish coffee, a way of preparing and consuming coffee that is common throughout the Middle East. In Turkey, a different type of coffee is used compared to Italian espresso or French ground coffee. It is a brief ...


ReelShort: The Phenomenon of Ultra-Short Chinese Series

loring new genres such as thrillers and suspense. These episodes also diversify their cultural references by featuring religious values and customs from the Middle East, stories of wealthy families in Thailand, or supernatural legends from Romania. Looking abroad is also a good way for this industr ...
