A moral code inspired by the samurai If judo is a popular sports activity for parents and children alike, it is not just for channeling children's energy and providing physical benefits. This martial art also has a real educational interest because it allows to transmit a whole set of values to ...
loss and loss of muscle strength. Thermal water treatments are known to strengthen the body, help recover muscle strength and recover physical and moral well-being. For all these reasons, a spa treatment is therefore a very beneficial interlude in case of long Covid, which is now considered a ...
ed to the famous vampire. For the author, the character's ugliness (a characteristic found in Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau's film Nosferatu) reflects his moral monstrosity. 4- What are Dracula's powers? In the various versions of his legend, Dracula is endowed with different powers or abilities. In Bram ...
Guillaume Mouton and Nans Thomassey. The two friends came up with this concept to prove that it is possible to travel and live with next to nothing. The moral of this TV program? "Even without a penny (-underwear), one can achieve their wildest dreams"! The two buddies, who film themselves, set the ...
to share news through a short message accompanied by photos of their children or grandchildren. Others prefer to choose a quote with philosophical or moral significance, to reflect upon as they start the year with a bit more wisdom or hope. In any case, one doesn't need to possess great literary sk ...
t 10% of the European population has been or will be bullied on the Internet! As in 'real life', harassment is when a person suffers verbal and/or moral abuse (nasty nicknames, insults, mockery, humiliation, death threats, spreading rumours or personal information, rejection from the group...) re ...
and more specifically her iconic series, The ballad of sexual dependency, and controversial Japanese photographer Nobuyoshi Araki, who was accused in 2018 of moral harassment by one of his former models. By offering a view of the romantic relationship that is as subjective as it is unusual, this ...
back one year is a catastrophe because he has just proposed to the woman he loves. Each of the characters finds themselves confronted with human and moral dilemmas as life and death issues interfere with their personal problems. Behind the police investigation lies a much more philosophical qu ...
mbarded with them everywhere can be annoying or worse. In either case, these songs stir up strong emotions and provoke very polarized reactions. The moral of the story: if you don't want to spoil the Christmas Eve atmosphere, it's better to ask your guests for their consent before playing your favo ...
does not attack birds or other animals, its mere presence could disturb and stress the wildlife and jeopardize the reproduction of forest species. The moral of the story: dogs must be kept on a leash in the woods during this time of year to respect the tranquility of the wildlife and the balance of ...
ion because it compresses the stomach, especially when you lean slightly towards a screen or a book or slump in your seat or couch after eating. The moral of the story: it's best to remain standing, to clear the table and do the dishes, and then follow up with a short digestive walk of 10 to 15 min ...
hould be used once a week at most. If you do it more often, you worsen the problem of dryness and thickening of the skin because you remove its lipid film. The moral of the story: it's better to moisturize your feet every day rather than scraping them! ...
concentrated formula offers a scent that lasts for about 8 hours. The amount to spray on oneself is inversely proportional to the perfume's concentration. The moral of the story: always check whether your favorite juice is an eau de toilette or an eau de parfum to dose it correctly and avoid being ...
oining discussion groups allows you to share your experiences, receive advice, and deepen your understanding of Stoicism. Conclusion Stoicism offers a moral and spiritual compass to face the complexity of our times. By promoting self-control, acceptance of what eludes us, and the practice of virtue ...