on standard profiles of healthy middle-aged adults. Its main flaw is that it does not take into account certain important parameters such as age, sex, and muscle mass of an individual. It does not distinguish between body fat and muscle mass. This is why this overly general index is not relevant f ...
oves the quality of life of patients and helps them better tolerate side effects such as nausea, fatigue, stress, and sleep disorders. • It helps preserve muscle mass, preventing patients from excessive weight and strength loss, especially during chemotherapy. Significant muscle mass loss is asso ...
are the limitations of BMI? The Body Mass Index (BMI) is an indicator to be used with caution. It is far from perfect as it does not take into account muscle mass, bone structure, and the distribution of fat in the body. The interpretation of the result should also be nuanced according to the perso ...
ts recover their functions within a few hours, even after a stay of several months in microgravity. It takes a little longer for the inner ear and muscle mass, and even longer for the bone system, which takes several weeks to recover its initial mass. The way each astronaut experiences this re ...
1- Participate in a pedibus If you have school-aged children, the solution to walking a little more each day is to participate in a walking bus. This concept, which comes to us from Canada and Australia, involves walking a group of children to school. The group is usually supervised by parents o ...
1- It is ideal for a fitness program The benefits of cycling for cardiovascular health, maintaining muscle mass and even for morale are well known. It is a complete sport that works the calves as well as the cardio. Yet, after a health problem, we often hesitate to get back in the saddle because ...
ote: for bread, one serving is equivalent to one-third of a baguette. How to dose meat and other proteins? To eat a balanced diet and preserve your muscle mass, you need to eat two servings of protein per day. You can choose between fish (twice a week), eggs and meat, as long as you favor poult ...
tep is to use the energy gained from better sleep to be more active. This involves walking every day and doing strength training 2 to 3 times a week. Increasing muscle mass helps burn calories and maintain a healthy weight. However, it is important not to engage in physical activity after 7 pm as i ...
their youthful weight is actually a misguided resolution. Once you're over 50, weight loss diets do more harm than good. A drastic diet can lead to muscle mass loss, especially since protein synthesis significantly decreases in seniors. So, don’t succumb to the allure of slimming down! Losing to ...
plant proteins gives them an interesting appetite-suppressant effect as part of a diet. For seniors, this healthy and protein-rich snack helps maintain muscle mass. 4- Cashew nuts are widely used in vegan cooking. Cashew nuts are an increasingly demanded food worldwide. Their success is mainly due t ...
risks of dietary supplements for athletes. The products targeted by the health safety agency are supposed to improve athletic performance, increase muscle mass, or reduce body fat. These can include energy bars, recovery drinks, or vitamin and/or protein powders. The use of these products was onc ...
fluence them negatively. For example, it can be dangerous to fast to fight cancer when a treatment like chemotherapy already risks causing weight loss and muscle mass reduction in patients. What can be found on Canal Détox? Initially launched as a YouTube channel, Canal Détox has become Inserm's m ...
I bought. With Caats, I was reassured by: - Recipes rich in quality animal proteins, essential for a cat's good health (particularly for maintaining muscle mass and energy). - Grain-free, to limit intolerances and promote better digestion. - Low in carbohydrates, to prevent weight gain and certain ...