act cancelled without compensation. Even more seriously, the usurpation of certain diplomas (of doctor or lawyer for example) exposes you to heavy penalties. For this type of lie, you risk up to 1 year in prison and a €15,000 fine. Driving with a false license In France, an estimated 3 mill ...
ind a satisfactory solution to pack soft fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and currants as well as 'ripe' fruits. What are the penalties? Manufacturers who fail to comply with this new legislation may face heavy penalties. Indeed, the anti-waste law provides for penalties ...
for its effective use. Afterwards, they must be destroyed, made anonymous or archived in compliance with very specific obligations. What are the penalties for non-compliance with the GDPR? It all depends on the breaches observed. The CNIL has a vast arsenal of sanctions, ranging from a simple c ...
in fast food restaurants only has a positive impact on the environment if the new containers are washed and reused several times. 6- What are the penalties? Fast food chains will have to adapt, or face penalties. The Ministry of Ecological Transition is announcing a 5th class fine for restaurant ...
even if the craftsman did not commit a deliberate fault, such as cracks in the foundations, waterproofing defects, and water infiltration... 4- What are the penalties for the absence of a ten-year guarantee? Failure to comply with this insurance obligation exposes craftsmen to civil and criminal pe ...
n the most serious cases, you can file a complaint with the police station or the gendarmerie. Cyberbullying is punishable by law by fines or heavier penalties such as community service or prison. ...
to eat them, you should check with the town hall beforehand as the regulations for shore fishing vary from department to department. What are the penalties? On your Seaside holiday, remember that you can't pick up everything you want on the beach. Indeed, offenders are exposed to fine. Unr ...
eeding or incomplete safety equipment, the authorities (Maritime Affairs, Maritime Gendarmerie etc.) may also issue a procès-verbal. What are the penalties? In the event of non-compliance with regulations at sea, several levels of sanctions may be considered: - the reminder is the first ...
ces are concerned, you should expect to pay around €30 for a pair of chains or socks and between €400 and €1,200 for 4 winter tyres. What are the penalties? Violators of this new obligation are liable to a fine of 135 €. However, as this is a new obligation, a tolerance will apply dur ...
e using your vaporizer in public places or in transportation, it is very often prohibited. If you do not respect the rules, you expose yourself to penalties ranging from a simple fine to confiscation of your equipment or even imprisonment. So, goodbye to all of you! ...
accounts of unscrupulous influencers and refer the matter to the justice system if necessary. In case of hidden advertising, influencers risk heavier penalties up to 2 years imprisonment and a fine of €300,000. A protocol of reciprocal commitments should soon be signed between these supervisory ...
dimensions of 130 x 90 cm, and you do not need to pay for a bike reservation. In this case, you are only allowed a double bike pannier and a handbag. What are the penalties for non-compliance with these rules? The new rules regarding luggage on SNCF trains came into effect on February 15, but travel ...
oys to paddle upstream against the current. In kayak cross, the course includes 6 to 8 buoys that competitors are allowed to touch without incurring penalties. The goal is, of course, to reach the bottom of the course as quickly as possible, which is less technical than in classic slalom. But this ...
to 10 years. Data archiving: all invoices issued using the software must be archived for future consultation or potential tax audits. 5- What are the penalties incurred by offending companies? Companies that do not comply with these obligations and do not use certified billing software risk a fine o ...
ion platforms and the implementation of digital validation processes. Good to know: failure to comply with this obligation could result in financial penalties and more thorough tax audits. It is therefore advisable to anticipate now! Why switch to electronic invoicing now? Even though legal deadlin ...
ted on the registration certificate, as well as the "F2" mention (which corresponds to the maximum authorized weight). Otherwise, beware of potential penalties or insurance issues in case of trouble on the road. The magic of traveling on four wheels? Finally, traveling by camper van means creating a ...